Keep up to date with the latest news* for the Third Sector. If you’d like us to publish some news on your behalf:
* Due to the volume of news we publish, we’re only able to display news items in English.
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GVS TRAINING - A gentle introduction to social media
This session is for people who are thinking about using social media as a marketing tool to reach out and engage more people in your service.
YMCA Vale Se*xual Health Awareness and C-Card Training
Two Day Se*xual Health Awareness and C-Card Training for professionals working with young people across the Vale.
Citizens Advice Cardiff & Vale Training
At Citizens Advice Cardiff and Vale, we are currently reviewing our training offer and would be interested in hearing your thoughts on what you would like to see from us from April 2022.
Do you know about the Tax-Free Childcare Scheme?
This government scheme can save working parents 20% of their childcare costs. Many parents aren’t aware of this and it is severely underclaimed. If you work with parents, please attend this information webinar - A FREE Tax-Free Childcare webinar for local authorities/councils and family-facing professionals. 10.00am – 11.30am 15 March 2022
Free 8 week course for youth involving organisations in the Third Sector
ProMo is running a free 8 week course for youth involving organisations in the third sector. We'll help you to design, test and develop new digital/hybrid services or rethink existing ones.
Half Day Event - Sexual Violence Awareness Week. 7-13 February 22022
As part of Sexual Violence Awareness Week 7th February - 13th February, New Pathways are holding a half-day event for frontline staff who work directly with people affected by sexual violence, but who are not in the VAWDASV (violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence) sector, such as health care, social care, youth work and education on Wednesday 9th February, 9.30am-12.30pm.
FREE wellbeing workshops for unpaid carers
Carers Trust South East Wales (CTSEW) have been successful in securing some funding from Welsh Government via Carers Trust Wales, to deliver a series of FREE wellbeing workshops for unpaid carers in partnership with Elemental Health.
Citizens Advice Cardiff and Vale Open Courses Jan - March 2022
Citizens Advice Cardiff & Vale is currently offering a series of online welfare benefit training courses via Zoom.
GamCare Women and Gambling-Related Harm Training
Working together to raise awareness, address stigma, and reduce gambling related harms experienced by women.
Improve your skills through GVS’ support – low cost training!
Only £10 per session: Being a Trustee - The Essentials, An Introduction to Data Protection (including GDPR), An Introduction to Social Media, How to use Twitter workshop and Getting fit for fundraising
New project offers free coaching support for heritage organisations
Heritage organisations or organisations running a heritage project in Wales can apply now for coaching support through the new Catalyst Cymru: Broadening Horizons project.
Popeth sydd angen i ddechreuwyr newydd ei wybod am y sector gwirfoddol
Rhaglen gynefino yw Sylfeini ar gyfer y Trydydd Sector (F4S3) i bobl sydd newydd ddechrau gweithio yn y sector gwirfoddol; newydd-ddyfodiaid, graddedigion coleg diweddar, y rheini sydd wedi newid gyrfa neu wedi gwirfoddoli am 18 mis neu lai.
Everything new starters need to know about the voluntary sector
Foundations for the third sector (F4S3) is an induction programme for people who have recently started working in the voluntary sector; new entrants, recent college graduates, those who have made a career change, or volunteered for 18 months or less.
MITEY – Men in the Early Years – Free session
Thursday 25th November 1pm – 3pm
Fatherhood Institute Seminars
Free bespoke sessions for places of worship/faith sector, clergy, staff and volunteers
Writing Funding Bids, Community Gardens, Community Consultation – ‘what is it’? and Welcoming Volunteers
Trauma-Informed Approaches to Hoarding Training
Join health and housing professionals to explore what it means to hoard, and what new models of support could look like.
Let’s be creative and be innovative together…
Are you a Community Organisation who would you like to explore the meaning behind ‘Trauma Informed Practice’?
Touch Trust Training Certificate Course
Touch Trust are pleased to offer its expertise and training opportunities for individuals and groups of people. The Touch Trust programme is recognised and delivered by staff in special schools, community day centres and play groups around the UK.
Professional and relevant training for the local Third Sector and partner organisations
Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS) launches its low cost, highly relevant Winter training programme. The training and briefing sessions, conducted through Zoom, cost just £10 per person.
Suitable for Flying Start, family nurse partnerships, parenting services, early help, early years, social care, maternity and health services.