YMCA Vale Se*xual Health Awareness and C-Card Training

Two Day Se*xual Health Awareness and C-Card Training for professionals working with young people across the Vale.

*Please note that this training is intended for professionals that would like to become C-Card assessors and implement the scheme in their school/youth provision.

Information poster

Booking form

What is the C-Card Scheme?

The C-Card scheme is a co-ordinated free condom distribution network for young people aged 13-25 years of age.  It provides quick, easy and confidential access to condoms, supported by written material.  Young people will be able to get a C-Card by visiting a C-Card point.  A trained professional will ensure that they have the skills and information necessary to make informed decisions regarding their sexual health before issuing a C-Card.

Why become a C-Card Assessors?

Young people see the professionals they work with as a credible source of information and support.  As an assessor you will be trained and continually supported to provide advice and support on sexual health matters and access to condoms.

Why are we giving out to 13-16 year olds when it is against the law for them to have sex?

Though the legal age of consent in the UK is 16, we know that many young people will have sex at a younger age.  The 2019/20 SHRN survey found that 1 in 4 year 11 students reported that they have had sexual intercourse, the most common age at which students first reported having had sexual intercourse was 15 years, although 1 in 5 reported having had sex before age 14.  Only 45% of year 11 students reported using a condom during their last sexual intercourse.  Research shows that young people who have received information and knowledge about how to use condoms are more likely to use one the first time they have intercourse.

For more information or if you have any questions about the scheme please e-mail: ceri.jones@ymcacardiff.wales



Vacancy at Shelter Cymru


Citizens Advice Cardiff & Vale Training