GVS has a thriving membership of community groups, charities and social enterprises. Join us today to access our full range of services.
GVS is a membership organisation. Membership is FREE and open to all voluntary and community organisations based in, or serving the Vale of Glamorgan and surrounding area.
If you are still in the process of setting up your organisation and don’t yet have a constitution we can help you before you complete a membership application. Please contact GVS for further details.
If you would like to join GVS and benefit from our services please complete the Membership Application form below.
Benefits of joining GVS
Whilst GVS supports individuals into volunteering, matching them with volunteer registered organisations, we also supporting Third Sector organisations through our membership and support services.
Membership is open to all voluntary and community organisations based in or serving the Vale of Glamorgan and surrounding area. If you are still in the process of setting up your organisation and don’t yet have a constitution, we can help you so please contact us beforehand.
The benefits of joining GVS include:
Free 1-2-1 funding advice
Free equipment loan e.g. display boards, digital projector, OHP screen
Free advertising on our website, in our e-magazine and e-bulletins
Free e-Vista magazine and e-Sustainable Funding News (3 times a year)
Room use for meetings and training sessions
Practical services to support organisations with printing, binding, laminating and design of posters, leaflets, pull-up banners etc.
Information sheet service
Networks of voluntary organisations with similar interests
Development support, e.g. charity registration, constitutions, policies
Third Sector relevant training and briefing sessions
Joint working with statutory and other agencies
Most of our services to members are free. Practical services do incur a charge. Training and briefing sessions can be free or incur a charge.
Join as an Associate Member
If you’re a group, charity, or organisation and you support what we do, you can join us as an associate member free of charge.
Update your organisation’s membership details
Please let us know about any changes to your details by completing our short form.
GVS Member’s Agreement & Guarantee
Please complete this form only once your organisation has been fully confirmed as a Member of GVS.

GVS Online Membership Application Form
GVS membership is now free. To become a Full GVS member please complete the form below. If you cannot satisfy the criteria, any organisation or individual can join GVS as a free Associate member which entitles you to a limited amount of services.