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Child Poverty Innovation and Supporting Communities grant
A grant to enable innovation in collaboration between sectors and/or regional partnerships relating to child poverty.
Parkinsons UK - grants for physical activity providers
Our grant scheme helps fund activity providers with up to £3000 to give people with Parkinson's more opportunities to get and stay active.
The Fore - Unrestricted Grant Fund
We offer unrestricted grants of up to £30,000 spread over one to three years.
Sea-Changers Coastal Fountain Fund 2025
Funding communities to purchase water bottle refill fountains and install them in coastal areas to reduce the impact of single-use plastic water bottles on coastal habitats.
Apply now for Volunteering Wales Strategic Grants
The Volunteering Wales Strategic Grant scheme is now open for projects that will look long-term at volunteering and improve volunteering practices in Wales.
Arts, Health and Wellbeing Lottery Funding
Funding for partnerships from across the arts, health, social care and third sectors to provide high-quality creative projects that deliver health and wellbeing benefits for the people of Wales.
The Pilgrim Trust
Our aim is to preserve and promote Britain’s historical and intellectual assets and to provide assistance to vulnerable members of society.
The Martin Geddes Charitable Trust
Grants for projects tackling and preventing addiction, or drugs of any description, alcohol, solvents or other addictive substances.
Kellogg's Breakfast Club Grants Programme
Kellogg’s has teamed up with Forever Manchester to award grants of £1,000 to school Breakfast Clubs, to help them provide breakfast to those children who need it most.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - local collaborations programme
Up to £100,000 to support collaborations led by small charities seeking to influence and achieve local or regional change around improving the social security system, improving access to suitable accommodation, and support for asylum seekers and refugees.
The D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust
The D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust provides grants to registered charities working in the areas of the arts, health and medical welfare and environmental protection or improvement.
The Morrisons Foundation
Our grant funding programme supports registered charities delivering projects which help to improve people’s lives in communities across England, Scotland and Wales.
Aviva Community Fund
The Aviva Community Fund helps local causes build stronger communities across the UK, helping create a better future for tomorrow.
Free fundraising support for Wales’ event community!
Event Wales have funded Richard Newton Consulting via the Sector Support Fund to deliver free to access fundraising workshops and coaching for Wales’ event community.
The Charles Plater Trust
The Charles Plater Trust makes grants of up to £60000 to a wide range of religious and non-religious organisations, people, and groups, supporting leadership, social action, and applied research projects..
A Place for Sport - Crowdfunder
A Place For Sport is a partnership between Sport Wales and Crowdfunder to support community clubs and activities to raise money for facility improvements.
Apply now for Volunteering Wales Strategic Grants
The Volunteering Wales Strategic Grant scheme is now open for projects that will look long-term at volunteering and improve volunteering practices in Wales.
Unpaid Carers Short Breaks Grant
Funding for community organisations to provide opportunities for unpaid carers to take short breaks from their caring responsibilities.
The Royal Countryside Fund - Supporting Rural Communities
Grants of up to £25,000 to support innovative solutions that will “power up, not prop up” communities, inspiring change and encouraging economic vibrancy.