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Health and Wellbeing, Events Ceri Venners Health and Wellbeing, Events Ceri Venners

Come and have your say on the future of food in the Vale of Glamorgan

What change do we want to see for the future of food in the Vale of Glamorgan? How can we future-proof our food system so that current and future generations are able to buy, cook, eat, grow and share good food?

We’ll be looking at these questions and more in the free Our Food Horizons event taking place in Barry Memo Arts Centre on November 23rd from 10am – 3.30pm. The event is being organised in partnership with Natural Resources Wales and the Vale of Glamorgan Public Services Board (PSB).

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GVS, Events, Volunteering, Volunteering Opportunity Mark Stillman GVS, Events, Volunteering, Volunteering Opportunity Mark Stillman

Are you looking for Volunteers - would your organisation benefit from more help?

Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS) is hosting The Big Volunteering Fayre on Wednesday 24th January 2024 at the Memo Arts Centre in Barry from 10am to 2.00pm.  The annual Fayre is the biggest volunteering event in the Vale of Glamorgan. It’s the ideal opportunity for charities, community groups, projects and clubs to showcase their work and recruit volunteers. At the Fayre you will be able to talk first-hand to members of the public of all ages, who express an interest in volunteering.  

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Health and Wellbeing, Events, Training Mark Stillman Health and Wellbeing, Events, Training Mark Stillman

Domestic Abuse – Let’s Talk about Women and Gambling

This event will introduce you to the signs and risk factors of gambling harms and the process into treatment, we will also be discussing a Domestic Homicide Review that had a connection with gambling and opening up a discussion to get your thoughts on this. This awareness event will leave you feeling more secure in your knowledge of gambling harms and Domestic Abuse, and how to help someone either in your personal or work life who is struggling with this topic.

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Events Mark Stillman Events Mark Stillman

Not long until Cowbridge Music Festival 2023!

15th-24th September 2023. Just two weeks from now, the 2023 Cowbridge Music Festival will be in full swing! Roderick Williams and Iain Burnside will have launched the festival with their opening concert, and BBC Radio 3 will be setting up to record Trio Gaspard's performance. 

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Events Ceri Venners Events Ceri Venners

Invite: Community Tourism Hack event

Cwmpas would like to invite you to the Community Tourism Hack for South Wales, in Merthyr Tydfil on September 19th. Central to this regional fully-funded event will be a Start Something Good® hackathon where you will be working in teams to develop fresh ideas for community-led tourism in Wales and a cross-sector community tourism network.

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