Information session:  5 Ways to Arthritis Wellbeing

INFORMATION SESSION:  5 Ways to Arthritis Wellbeing

Thursday – 17 August 2023

Online via Teams 10.30 am – 11.30 pm

Join us with Sian Davies and Emily Parry, both practising Health Improvement Practitioner within the Community, and discover Five Ways to Wellbeing, what it means and how small changes can improve how we feel.  There will also be an opportunity for questions at the end of the session. There will be an opportunity for questions. Everyone is welcome!

Register at Eventbrite:  


Room opens at 10.20am presentation starts at 10.30am. Please be on time. 

Our online information sessions are for adults with arthritis, MSK or related conditions e.g. fibromyalgia, lupus, gout. Also for health care professionals and carers supporting people living with arthritis. They offer a chance to learn about managing arthritis and related conditions, hear from guest speakers and find out more about the support provided by Versus Arthritis in local areas. 


SESIWN WYBODAETH: Pum Ffordd at Les Arthritis

Dydd Iau – 17 Awst 2023

Ar-lein dros Teams 10.30 yb – 11.30 yb.

Ymunwch gyda ni a Sian Davies ac Emily Parry, sydd eill dwy yn Ymarferwyr Gwella Iechyd gweithredol yn y Gymuned, gan ganfod y Pum Ffordd at Les, ei ystyr a sut gallai newidiadau bach godi ein calon. Bydd cyfle hefyd i ofyn cwestiynau ar ddiwedd y sesiwn.   Mae croeso mawr i bawb! 

Cofrestrwch ar Eventbrite  


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