Keep up to date with the latest news* for the Third Sector. If you’d like us to publish some news on your behalf:
* Due to the volume of news we publish, we’re only able to display news items in English.
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Free Digital workshops
FREE 1–2 hour workshops in Cyber Security Awareness; Working with Data; Basic Digital Survival Skills and more!
Catering and Hospitality Skills Academy - Barry
For all candidates wishing to enrol, we will be holding an informal interview day at One Canal Parade, Cardiff, CF10 5BF on Monday 11th December.
Capability Development Training for community-led organisations
Dunhill Medical Trust is partnering with the team at Moore Kingston Smith Non-Profit Advisory and the University of Birmingham’s School of Social Policy to deliver high quality training as part of a Capability Development Scheme.
Free Safeguarding Webinar for Trustees in Wales
A Safeguarding Week webinar for trustees in Wales. Tuesday 14 November 2023 - 2pm - 3pm (Online).
Domestic Abuse – Let’s Talk about Women and Gambling
This event will introduce you to the signs and risk factors of gambling harms and the process into treatment, we will also be discussing a Domestic Homicide Review that had a connection with gambling and opening up a discussion to get your thoughts on this. This awareness event will leave you feeling more secure in your knowledge of gambling harms and Domestic Abuse, and how to help someone either in your personal or work life who is struggling with this topic.
RNIB is running a free Vision Friends Taster session
RNIB is running a free Vision Friends Taster session for professionals who work with older people on Thursday 7 September at 10am. This 30 minute online session will introduce some of the topics covered in the Vision Friends Training.
Free Digital workshops
Vale of Glamorgan Council with Cardiff School of Technologies, Cardiff Met University & Technocamps, Swansea University will run from September 2023 to March 2024
GVS TRAINING - Being a Trustee - learn the essentials of running a voluntary group or charity
Being a trustee can be a daunting prospect, particularly if a person has no previous experience. This training session is there to provide an informal overview of the role and responsibility of being a trustee.
Being a Trustee - learn the essentials of running a voluntary group or charity
This training session is there to provide an informal overview of the role and responsibility of being a trustee.
GVS TRAINING - Recruiting, Selecting and Managing Volunteers
At the end of the session you will be able to: Identify existing and new volunteering roles for volunteers, identify where to recruit volunteers, establish an effective selection procedure and establish a simple guide for managing volunteers
Improve your skills through GVS’ low cost training!
Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS) offers a range of training courses specific to the Third Sector and partner organisations. Our current training programme includes Being a Trustee, Recruiting, Selecting and Managing Volunteers, An Introduction to Social Media, How to Market your Community Event and How to use Twitter – a workshop for beginners
WCVA Training - Project Management
15, 22 & 29 June 2023 | 9.30 am – 12.30 pm | Online
This course will provide you with practical project management skills and knowledge so you can plan and deliver projects that successfully meet your project outcomes.
WCVA Training - An introduction to data protection for the voluntary sector
23 May 2023 | 9.45 am – 12.45 pm | Online
Rights Ambassadors
The Rights Ambassadors is a universal/open access county-wide youth project managed by the Vale Youth Service and funded by the Children’s and Young People’s Partnership. The group is part of the Children’s Commissioner for Wales’ Community Ambassadors scheme The Rights Ambassadors project raises awareness of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)and the Children & Young People’s National Participation Standards.
Free training from Welsh Women’s Aid
Free training in Cardiff on 16th May. Do you want to help end violence against women? Why not attend #AskMe, our free public training? To register you must be 18 or over and live, study, work or volunteer in South Wales.
GVS TRAINING - Introduction to Twitter
An invaluable step by step beginner level introduction to the key features, giving you the skills and knowledge to confidently use Twitter.
GVS TRAINING - How to Market Your Community Event
This is a practical session equipping you with invaluable techniques and tips to market your community event using both free and low cost marketing tools. If you are responsible in your organisation/community group for publicising events but have limited to no experience, this workshop is for you. By the end of the session you will be equipped with the knowledge and techniques to market your event effectively to the local community.
GVS TRAINING - Introduction to Social Media workshop
This session is aimed at beginner level or someone who has recently acquired responsibility for their organisation’s social media channels. It will help equip you with the basic knowledge whilst ensuring you adhere to appropriate social media etiquette. Social media is a free marketing tool to reach out and engage with more people. Using social media appropriately and deciding on the right platform to engage with your audience is the first steps to success.
Mwy o hyfforddiant ymwybyddiaeth ariannol am ddim yng Nghymru
Mae Dangos, y prosiect hyfforddiant ymwybyddiaeth ariannol ar-lein yng Nghymru, wedi cael ei adnewyddu am drydedd flwyddyn gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Eleni mae Dangos yn ymestyn o’i gyrsiau sylfaenol a chanolradd i gynnig mwy o sesiynau pwrpasol:
• Cefnogaeth i blant a phobl ifanc
• Cefnogaeth i bobl hŷn a'r rhai sydd angen gofal