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* Due to the volume of news we publish, we’re only able to display news items in English.
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TRAINING - Getting Fit for Fundraising
Get advice on fundraising for your charity or voluntary group.
TRAINING - Being a Trustee - The Essentials
Being a trustee can be a daunting prospect, particularly if a person has no previous experience. This training session will provide an informal overview of the role and responsibility of being a trustee.
TRAINING - Recruiting, Selecting and Managing Volunteers
£10 per person on Zoom. An ideal training course if you are new to managing volunteers or would like a refresher.
TRAINING - How to use Twitter, a workshop for beginners
An invaluable step by step beginner level introduction to the key features, giving you the skills and knowledge to confidently use Twitter.
TRAINING - A gentle introduction to social media
This session is for people who are thinking about using social media as a marketing tool to reach out and engage more people in your service.
ESSENTIAL TRAINING - An Introduction to Data Protection (including GDPR)
A workshop to help you with key information about the basics of Data Protection since our departure from the EU and the Transition Period.
Free training - How to use Zoom – 27 September 2021
The Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Health Living Team are offering free Zoom training on Monday 27 September 2021 from 6pm-8pm to community groups and charities operating in the Vale of Glamorgan.
Community Shares Explained – Could they work for you?
Learn about community shares, which are an ideal way for communities to invest in businesses serving a community purpose.
4Winds Active Listening workshop/training session
4 Winds have a training session/workshop on Active Listening that still have a few places – this is taking place in person at the Grange Pavilion in Grange Gardens, Grangetown next Friday 3rd September.
Citizens Advice Cardiff & Vale training sessions
Citizens Advice Cardiff & Vale are currently offering a range of online training sessions starting in September.
Community Shares Explained – Could they work for you?
Learn about community shares, which are an ideal way for communities to invest in businesses serving a community purpose.
Recruiting, Selecting and Managing Volunteers Training
An ideal training course if you are new to managing volunteers or would like a refresher.
Shelter Cymru July training courses
Save 25% on our July training courses by entering code 25LIVE at checkout. Courses taking place on 22nd and 23rd July. Learn how to help and advise people to Break the Cycle of Debt and Prevent Homelessness with a Toolkit to help people facing Possession Action.
An Introduction to Data Protection (including GDPR)
21/07/2021 | 14.00 - 15.30 Price: £10.00 Online session
Being a Trustee - The Essentials Training
Training on the essentials of being a trustee will take place on the 14th of July.
The perfect introduction to social media
Wednesday 9th June 2021, 10am – 12 noon, £10 per person on Zoom. Embarking on social media on behalf of an organisation, without being fully equipped, this session is for you!
Does your charity / community group need more coverage? Learn Twitter 1-2-1 with GVS
Some charities have yet to utilise the benefits of Twitter. Now is the time to raise your profile through social media.
Improve your skills through GVS’ support – Free and low cost training!
Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS) offers an extensive range of training courses and briefing sessions. These are either FREE or charged at very reasonable rates.