TRAINING - How to use Twitter, a workshop for beginners

Thursday 27 January 2022

£10 per person

On Zoom

This workshop will give you an invaluable step by step beginner level introduction to the key features of using Twitter. The session will equip you with the skills and knowledge to confidently use Twitter for your group or organisation.

This workshop is for “Twitter beginners” and people who want to gain confidence in using it to reach a wider audience. Also, if your organisation is not using social media and you recognise engagement as not just being through face-to-face or e-mail communication, then Twitter is for you! The benefits are endless and it’s a free social media platform.

You will be able to:

• send, reply to and delete a tweet

• use handles and hashtags effectively

• engage in a Twitter conversation

• recognise Twitter etiquette and good practice

• choose a Twitter dashboard e.g. Hootsuite or Tweetdeck

• integrate Twitter into your social media strategy

Joining instructions will be sent by email prior to the event.


To book your place, please visit


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TRAINING - A gentle introduction to social media