Keep up to date with the latest news* for the Third Sector. If you’d like us to publish some news on your behalf:
* Due to the volume of news we publish, we’re only able to display news items in English.
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Don’t miss GVS’ radio show on Bro Radio this Tuesday!
Listen to the GVS radio show with @broradio on Tuesday 5th October from 7pm to hear about the outstanding work done within our communities..
Book GVS’ AGM online to hear our achievements, listen to high profile speakers and support us!
This year's GVS Annual General Meeting will be held online on Wednesday 3rd November from 10am – 12 noon. Our confirmed speakers include Jane Hutt MS, Minister for Social Justice and Debra Allcock Tyler, author and Chief Executive of the Directory of Social Change.
Have an idea for a project in the Vale of Glamorgan?
The National Lottery Community Fund and Glamorgan Voluntary Services are hosting a virtual funding surgery on Thursday 30th September (9.30am - 5.00pm).
HELP GVS DECIDE - How would you prefer to attend GVS’ AGM, virtually or in-person?
The one question survey is intended for GVS member organisations and key partners looking to attend this year’s AGM.
Recruiting, Selecting and Managing Volunteers Training
An ideal training course if you are new to managing volunteers or would like a refresher.
Foodshare Llantwit to continue through the summer holidays
For the summer, we just want to let you all know that we are open as usual, there will be no break so please continue to come and use us. As the kids will be at home more, it may be even more valuable to get that additional food that we can offer to your weekly supply!
Free local radio publicity for GVS’ member organisations
Did you know your organisation can feature for free on GVS’ Bro Radio Show? Explore a different but effective form of advertising to help create awareness of your organisation and let local people know about your latest news and events.
Are you looking to help your community and have the skills which could benefit our charity as a volunteer Board member?
The deadline for applications is midday on the 30th September 2021.
CF61 welcomes a zero waste provider to serve Llantwit Major
We are very happy to announce that a mobile refill shop will be parked up outside of CF61 on a weekly basis, to serve the people of Llantwit.
Monthly Police Surgeries at CF61’s community venue in Llantwit Major
A series of police surgeries have been organised at CF61, so that individuals from the local community can meet face-to-face with Officers once again.
Advance Notice of GVS AGM and Nomination to Board of Trustees
The GVS Annual General Meeting will be held at CF61 and/or via Zoom (depending on Welsh Government guidance at the time) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 at 10.00am.
Summer Special Offer from CF61 – Room Hire in Llantwit Major
Book Hoddnant at CF61 Llantwit Major – our newly kitted-out large meeting room for only £10 an hour!
An Introduction to Data Protection (including GDPR)
21/07/2021 | 14.00 - 15.30 Price: £10.00 Online session
An update on GVS’ Printing Service moving to Illtud House
GVS printing will now be undertaken at Illtud House. However, we will be continuing to provide a printing collection service from our Barry office.
GVS attends Great Get Together at CF61
The Great Get Together is an initiative inspired by the late Jo Cox designed to bring people together to celebrate what they have in common.
GVS staff and volunteers attend “Big Dig” at CF61
Some of the GVS staff and our gardening volunteers spent Saturday morning filling our wooden planters with soil and planting lots of lovely flowers and edibles to enhance our community garden at CF61.
GVS gets animated for #VolunteersWeek
If you are thinking of volunteering, watch our short story about the volunteering journey. The film, sees the journey someone would take when they are thinking of volunteering in their community and what they can expect, along with a host of useful information on volunteering.
Join GVS and thank volunteers during Volunteers’ Week 2021
Thank you to the thousands of volunteers that have given their time over the last 15 months to causes they care about and in response to the emergency situations that people have been faced with.
Glamorgan Voluntary Services gets animated!
GVS to launch its first animated information film for people thinking about volunteering. Developed by Video Production and Animation Studio Yolk Creative, GVS will be promoting the film in the run-up to Volunteers Week from 1- 7 June 2021.