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Events, Health and Wellbeing Mark Stillman Events, Health and Wellbeing Mark Stillman

Warm Spaces – Free events at Cowbridge and Llantwit Major Libraries during March

As part of the Vale Council’s Warm Spaces initiative, funding was secured to put on free events and activities at Cowbridge and Llantwit Major Libraries. Libraries have always been warm, welcoming spaces with access to free Wi-Fi, computers, study areas, books, and other resources and so are ideally placed to offer a Warm Space to the residents of the Vale.

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Events, Training Mark Stillman Events, Training Mark Stillman

The Knap Art Group - learn to draw and paint

The Knap Art Group has a mix of students from total beginners, to those who have enjoyed painting for a few years. We have a course structure that covers a range of topics to keep you inspired, although it is always flexible depending on each students need and abilities. We aim to create an uplifting atmosphere of learning focused on well- being and fun! All welcome.

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Events Mark Stillman Events Mark Stillman

Llantwit Major Chamber Music Festival returns this March

On the 24th March, the Llantwit Major Chamber Music Festival returns to St Illtud’s Church for what promises to be an outstanding set of four concerts, happening over three days. The Festival was founded in 2019 by local Welsh cellist Ben Tarlton and aims to provide world class concert experiences on the community’s doorstep, showcasing some of the most remarkable and exciting classical performers in the UK music scene.  

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Health and Wellbeing, Events Ceri Venners Health and Wellbeing, Events Ceri Venners

Have Your Say event 16th March

On Thursday 16th March, 2:00pm – 4:00pm in the Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry, the Vale 50+ Strategy Forum will be hosting a Have Your Say Event focused on the cost of living. The event aimed at older residents will have a number of stalls provided by local partners providing advice and support on a range of topics linked to the cost of living, tailored to older people. Everyone is welcome to attend and share the event with anyone else who they think would like to come along.

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Health and Wellbeing, Events Mark Stillman Health and Wellbeing, Events Mark Stillman

Free Mid-Career Review webinars for the Over 50s living in Wales

These FREE, one-hour webinars give attendees the opportunity to reflect on their own situation and consider future needs, and provide helpful signposting and information on work, wellbeing and finances that will allow them to make informed choices, become more confident and resilient, and take action to create a positive future for themselves.   

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Events, GVS Ceri Venners Events, GVS Ceri Venners

Child Poverty – We Want to Hear Your Thoughts

GVS would like to talk to parents, carers and organisations that work with children and young people. We would like to get your views on what the revised Welsh Government’s Child Poverty Strategy should include.

If you would like to share your experiences and thoughts come along give your point of view. Your views will be forwarded to Welsh Government and will help shape the future. Light refreshments will be provided.

We have arranged two FREE engagement sessions in the Vale of Glamorgan – one in Llantwit Major and the other in Penarth.

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Events Mark Stillman Events Mark Stillman

Welsh Speakers’ Employability and Learning Event

Wednesday 15 February 10-1pm, Barry Library
The purpose of the event will be to promote employment opportunities where the Welsh Language is essential or desirable, and training through the medium of Welsh. The event will help us to identify local needs and plan for future Welsh medium provision.

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