Our role is to provide information, advice and guidance on all aspects of volunteering for both volunteers and recruiting organisations.

Latest Volunteering Opportunities *
* English only
Volunteering can be one of the most fulfilling things you can do with your time. As well as making a real difference to the organisation you are helping, you can build your skills, meet new friends and open your eyes to a whole new world. Interested?
View the Welsh version of our animation.
Let’s give you the inside track
Our expert staff will take time to assist people to find the right volunteering opportunities to suit their skills, personality and circumstances. We want everyone to have a rewarding, enjoyable experience of volunteering, so we will ensure that we find out what makes you tick.
So why not find out more, or contact us to get started!
Why volunteer?
Benefits to the Community
Getting the volunteering habit early encourages lifelong volunteering, and broadens people’s horizons, helping to develop the skills and qualities which will benefit your local community.
Volunteering has no barriers. It can benefit all ages, backgrounds, cultures and abilities. It develops the individual, strengthens the community and enhances society as a whole. We believe that it is essential that everybody has the opportunity to engage in such an important and worthwhile activity.
People participate in volunteering for a variety of reasons. They:
gain confidence and self esteem
gain practical experience
meet new people
improve health and wellbeing
gain new skills or build on existing ones
enhance a C.V.
look at a career change
use their time productively and profitably
The rewards of volunteering are immense. It can assist people in a variety of ways, bringing about personal benefits, which in effect, will see the volunteer flourish in their day-to-day self-development
Benefits to the individual
There are many reasons why people choose to volunteer, each of them as valid as the next. It may be because you have time on your hands, you want to do something worthwhile, or have a particular skill you want to use to benefit others. You may want to build your confidence or gain or brush up on existing skills to improve your job prospects. The most important reason for volunteering is because you want to.
How do I volunteer?
A successful volunteering experience can be achieved if you are clear about your own needs and what you hope to get out of volunteering. Think about the ways in which you can best contribute.
Ask yourself the following questions:
what are your particular skills and interests?
what do you really enjoy doing?
do you prefer working on a one-to-one or group basis?
do you enjoy doing things you can do easily or would you prefer the challenge of something new?
So what do you do now?
The next step is to find out which organisations and what opportunities are available to you. You could:
Ring us for a friendly chat on 01446 741706
View the hundreds of volunteering opportunities that are available on the Volunteering Wales Website www.volunteering-wales.net
Contact us via our contact us page
Investing in Volunteers (IiV)
Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) has launched their first ever IiV Wales Video.
Here is the link for it on youtube, you can also find it on the WCVA website here
Recruit a volunteer
Are you involved in an organisation that’s looking to recruit volunteers? If so, we can help find the perfect volunteer for you
Information Sheets
We have worked with our partners at TSSW to develop a comprehensive series of volunteering related information sheets. The purpose of these is to provide advice on all aspects of volunteering. You can access these by visiting the TSSW Knowledge Hub.
Volunteering Opportunities
We help promote many volunteering opportunities available in the Vale of Glamorgan