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Foyle Foundation - Small Grants Scheme
£10,000 grants to support smaller charities registered and operating in the United Kingdom, especially those working at grass roots and local community level, in any field, across a wide range of activities.
Kelly Family Charitable Trust
Grants up to £5000 for charities working in fields including early intervention, mediation, prison services and services for families affected by sexual abuse, physical abuse and domestic violence, among others.
Two Funding Streams Available With GVS - Apply Now!
GVS launches the Third Sector Small Grants Scheme - Community Action AND Do you need funding for a youth volunteering project or activity?
Christian Building Improvement Grants
Benefact Trust’s Building Improvement Grants programme provides essential support to protect and enhance churches and Christian charity buildings, ensuring their continued use and the safeguarding of their heritage.
A B Charitable Trust - Grants
We fund small to medium sized organisations who work in three priority areas: Migrants and refugees; Criminal justice and penal reform; Human rights, particularly access to justice.
The Society Foundation
Funding to support people from one or more of the following groups move towards paid employment: the recently homeless or vulnerably housed; ex-offenders; 16-24 year olds not in employment, education or training.
Community Radio Fund
The first round of the Community Radio Fund 2024-2025 opens for applications from eligible stations on Tuesday 21 May 2024 and will close at 5pm on Friday 14 June 2024.
Warburton's Community Grants
Warburtons Community Grants provides small grants up to £400 to support charitable organisations towards broader activities which improve Health, Place or Skills for families in their community.
GVS launches the Third Sector Small Grants Scheme - Community Action
Applications are now open for 2024/25 Third Sector Small Grant Scheme – Community Action Fund. This scheme supports community action and volunteering to improve the local community, local environment and the health and wellbeing with grants of up to £3000. The deadline for submission of 12 noon on 21st June 2024.
Electricals Recycling Fund
We fund two types of projects – those seeking to grow or develop existing household collection services for small household electricals, and those seeking to innovate new collection methods.
Screwfix Foundation
The Screwfix Foundation currently offers local registered charities and not for profit organisations funding of up to £5,000.
The Morrisons Foundation
The Morrisons Foundation awards grant funding for charity projects which make a positive difference in local communities. In the main grants are available to fully fund projects up to £25,000.
Prosiect Ditectifs Deiet Dolffiniaid yn Derbyn Cyllid Rhwydweithiau Natur!
Mae’n bleser gan Ymddiriedolaeth Natur De a Gorllewin Cymru (YNDGC) gyhoeddi ei bod wedi cael cymorth ariannol gan Rownd 3 Cronfa Rhwydweithiau Natur (NNF) Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer prosiect unigryw - Ditectifs Deiet Dolffiniaid: Datgelu Deiet Dolffiniaid ac Ymgysylltu â Chymunedau ar gyfer Cadwraeth yn y DU.
Dolphin Diet Detectives Project Receives Nature Networks Funding!
The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (WTSWW) is delighted to announce that it has received funding support from the Welsh Government’s Nature Networks Fund Round 3 (NNF) for a unique project - Dolphin Diet Detectives: Unveiling Dolphin Diets and Engaging Communities for UK Conservation.
Pink Ribbon Foundation Grants
The Pink Ribbon Foundation’s mission is to help breast cancer charities help their clients recover from their cancer and then live longer, healthier, happier lives.
The Albert Hunt Trust
The Albert Hunt Trust supports UK registered charities that provide Hospice Care, provide support for the Homeless and promote Health and Well-Being.
Cardiff and Vale Education Fund
Up to £2000 per year for projects that support education and health.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Arts Fund
We believe that art and artists can help us see the world differently, bringing unheard stories and narratives to the fore and opening up new imaginative possibilities.
Final Round of Community Ownership Funding Open - Closing Soon!
This is the fourth and final chance to bid for this fund which lets communities apply for funding to take ownership of assets at risk of loss, including community centres, sports clubs, pubs, open space, or any other asset at risk of closure.
The Henry Smith Charity - Holiday grants for children
The purpose of the Holiday Grants programme is to provide access to recreational trips or holidays for groups of children who experience disadvantage or who have disabilities.