The Morrisons Foundation
Provides financial support for registered charities. It awards grants for charity projects which improve people's lives and match funds the money that Morrisons colleagues raise for charity.
The Morrisons Foundation awards grant funding for charity projects which make a positive difference in local communities. In the main grants are available to fully fund projects up to £25,000.
Who can apply
Registered charities.
The Morrisons Foundation will not generally consider applications which are related to:
Salaries and other running costs to support ongoing service delivery
Grants, bursaries etc. to individuals
Expeditions recreation or overseas travel
Fundraising events
Work that is primarily the statutory responsibility of public agencies
Promotion of religious or political messaging
Event sponsorship
Advertising, promotion or marketing of events or services
Overseas appeals
Conferences or seminars
Equipment which will be retained by individuals rather than the charity
Animal charities, unless the objective is to improve the lives of vulnerable or disadvantaged people
Projects being delivered outside England, Scotland or Wales
Sports-based charities, unless the objective is to improve the lives of vulnerable or disadvantaged people
Projects which could harm the reputation of the Foundation
How to apply
Apply via the website: