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Health and Wellbeing Ceri Venners Health and Wellbeing Ceri Venners

FIT Bluebirds

With funding received via Cardiff and Vale Health Board we are excited to announce that ‘Fit Bluebirds’ is now running in the Vale of Glamorgan. FIT Bluebirds is a FREE health programme for men and women aged 35-65 who are looking to lose weight, get fitter and lead a more active life.

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GVS launches the Third Sector Small Grants Scheme - Community Action

Applications are now open for 2024/25 Third Sector Small Grant Scheme – Community Action Fund. This scheme supports community action and volunteering to improve the local community, local environment and the health and wellbeing with grants of up to £3000. The deadline for submission of 12 noon on 21st June 2024.

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