Volunteers' Week 2024 - A Time to Say Thank You

This week Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is celebrating Volunteers’ Week, and saying thank you to the hundreds of people who freely give their time to make such a difference to patients, services and staff.

Depending on the time of year, there are between 400-500 people supporting over 35 volunteer projects and roles in St David’s Hospital, University Hospital of Llandough, University Hospital of Wales, Barry Hospital and within community settings. Volunteers give their time to befriend patients, point visitors in the right direction, take library trollies around wards, help lead activities such as arts and crafts and much more.

In the first five months of 2024 over 5,100 hours have been donated by volunteers ranging in age from 13 years to 86 years. 

Within the waiting areas of the Emergency Unit at the University Hospital of Wales, volunteers offer important support by keeping patients updated on their waiting times, providing company to patients who are on their own and locating wheelchairs. Senior Nurse Ellie Gerrard said: "Thank you from all of us in the Emergency Department for all the work you do for our patients and the support you give the staff on a daily basis. It doesn't go unnoticed by us. You are a valued part of the team". 

As well as bringing much value to patients, visitors and services, volunteers also speak of the benefits it brings to their own wellbeing. Carmen (pictured) started volunteering with the Information & Support Centre at UHW five years ago and said: “I think it's very worthwhile. I think it's good to have a purpose, somewhere to go. You meet lots of people and I think it's good for your health when you get older”.

In a short video message of thanks Chair of CAVUHB Charles ‘Jan’ Janczewski said: “I would like to say thank you to all the volunteers on behalf of the Board, our staff but most of all, our patients… So far in 2024, Health Board volunteers have contributed more than 5,000 hours of their time to support us. How generous, kind and remarkable of them.”

Chief Executive Suzanne Rankin said: “We are honoured to have such a dedicated team of invaluable volunteers supporting Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.

“Volunteers bring a wealth of skills, knowledge and energy to their roles supporting in non-clinical ways which can make all the difference to someone’s time within our care.”

On Friday 7 June, the Chair and Chief Executive will both attend the Annual Volunteer Thank You event, to say thank you in person to volunteers across the Health Board.   

To browse the many volunteering opportunities on offer and to apply please click here or email volunteer.enquiries.cav@wales.nhs.uk.


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Cardiff and Vale Unpaid Carers Assembly - October 2nd 2024