Keep up to date with the latest news* for the Third Sector. If you’d like us to publish some news on your behalf:
* Due to the volume of news we publish, we’re only able to display news items in English.
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Operational Changes to CMHT's – The Weekend Community Mental Health Nurse Service
The weekend CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse) service will be coming to an end on April 30th 2024.
International Women's Day 2024 | Meet some of the inspirational women in CAVUHB
International Women’s Day is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and this year’s theme is #InspireInclusion.
NHS Wales - Service User Feedback
Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) are questionnaires that collect information on a patient’s experience of healthcare. We are part of the NHS and working with Welsh Government to find out whether the questionnaire below is fit for purpose.
GVS Health Social Care & Wellbeing Network meeting
The meeting held in November 2023 focussed on Section 16 Forums.
Speakers at the Network meeting included Donna Coyle from Cwmpas and Ian McMillan, Head of Resources and Safety Management, from Vale of Glamorgan Council
Vale 50+ Forum ‘Have Your Say’ event at YMCA Barry
The Vale 50+ Forum are hosting their first ‘Have Your Say’ social event of the year on Thursday 21st March from 2-4pm at YMCA Barry, and everyone is invited.
Recovery Cymru launch Family and Friends Peer Support programme
We at Recovery Cymru (peer led recovery support) have launched the family and friends programme, this has been led by our members and supporters, we are excited to be able to extend our support directly to the family and friends of people who are experiencing difficulties with alcohol and other drugs.
Official statistics show long term decrease in age-adjusted rate of cancer deaths but increased deprivation gap
The latest official statistics from Public Health Wales show that the rate of cancer deaths, when adjusted for age, has declined by more than 16 per cent between 2002 and 2022.
Online hub to provide public health guidance for healthcare professionals
Public Health Wales’ Health Protection Team have launched a new online hub to help health professionals with advice and guidance on health protection issues and making notifications of infectious diseases.
Two childcare settings awarded for 'exceptionally high' standards in promoting good mental health
Two childcare settings in the Vale of Glamorgan have won an award for reaching exceptionally high standards in helping young children express their emotions.
Are you aged 70+ and live with knee or hip joint pain?
You could be eligible to take part in a research study to help improve your quality of life.
New e-prescription request system for Community Paediatrics and the Neurodevelopmental Service
Community Paediatrics and the Neurodevelopmental Service at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board have introduced an electronic prescription request system for parents and carers.
250 new healthcare professionals for Wales
250 nurses and doctors will be coming to Wales under a new agreement between Welsh Government and the Kerala Government.
Improvements in eating disorder care across Wales
The vast majority of people who need treatment for an eating disorder are seen in Wales and treated in their local communities.
Vision friends - Learning disability and sight loss training
This training aims to support you in your role by helping you to recognise signs of sight loss and provide you with resources to develop your skills and signpost you to further support.
Codi Cymru | Black Lives Matter in Wales Exhibition and UN Day for Elimination of Race Discrimination Conference
Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 9:30AM - 5:00PM
Atrium, St Fagans Museum, Cardiff. CF5 6XB.
Families First Networking Event
Date: 7th March 2024, 10am - 2pm
Location: Memo Arts Centre, Gladstone Road, Barry, CF62 8NA.
Important Baby Basics information
This e-mail is to inform you that as of the 5th of April, I am standing down as Coordinator for Vale Baby Basics after seven and a half years. We are currently looking for a replacement, via the Trustees at Coastlands and with support from Baby Basics UK.
Parental mental health research survey launch – support Samaritans Cymru
Samaritans Cymru is a suicide prevention charity that provides emotional support to anyone who is struggling to cope. In 2024, we are launching a new project to raise awareness about the impact that the journey to becoming a parent can have on your mental health. We want to improve the support available to men and women across Wales. We also want to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health and the parenthood journey.
Gig Buddies Cymru needs you views
Why are we asking for your views?
We are seeking funding for the next few years. To help with this, we want (and need) to gather views from people and organisations that know of, or might be interested in, accessing Gig Buddies and working with us.
Carers Wales: Track The Act is Back!
Track The Act, Carers Wales monitoring and evaluation of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 on carers rights, has returned after a three-year, pandemic-related hiatus.