Wooden Spoon Fund

Wooden Spoon is the children’s charity of rugby, and we transform the lives of disadvantaged and disabled children and young people across the UK and Ireland through the power of rugby.

Wooden Spoon is the children’s charity of rugby, and we transform the lives of disadvantaged and disabled children and young people across the UK and Ireland through the power of rugby. From sensory rooms, specialist playgrounds and sports activity areas to respite, medical and community care, we fund around 70 projects each year that support disadvantaged and disabled children. Since our founding in 1983, we’ve distributed in excess of £24 million, helping over 1 million young people.

There is neither a minimum nor a maximum grant level. However, it is unlikely that a project of a physical nature that is under £5,000 will have sufficient substance and scale to qualify under the ‘projected lifespan’ rule. Wooden Spoon’s contribution may be up to 100% of the cost, though beneficiary organisations will be encouraged, where practicable, to raise a proportion themselves.

In exceptional cases a project spend of less than £5,000 may be approved if it can be shown that without Wooden Spoon’s grant the project would not go ahead or if the making of the grant would result in the region concerned being able to leverage substantial additional support or publicity for Wooden Spoon in the area.

Who can apply

Wooden Spoon can only make grants to organisations with a legal status. For example; schools, charities, and clubs. 

We can fund applications from groups working in partnership, but one organisation must take the lead for the application and be the primary beneficiary and point of contact. 

We do not accept multiple applications from the same organisation while an application is being considered, unless the organisation is working in partnership, as stated above If your project is in the UK or Ireland and shares our aim of making a positive impact on the lives of children and young people, it may be eligible for a Wooden Spoon grant (Wooden Spoon project beneficiaries must be a group. Wooden Spoon cannot make grants to individuals).

Wooden Spoon Project Criteria January 2023; If your project is in the UK or Ireland and shares our aim of making a positive impact on the lives of children and young people, it may be eligible for a Wooden Spoon grant.

Projects must fall within Wooden Spoon’s Vision Statement: “Through the power of rugby, every child and young person has access to the best life opportunities, no matter what their background”. 

For more information, and to apply, visit: https://funding.cymru/funds/3040


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