Climate Action Fund - Energy and Climate

This funding aims to inspire and support communities across the UK to address the energy and climate crisis.

We’re looking for projects that show how communities can address climate change while tackling the energy challenges through community-led climate action.

We want to fund projects that:

  • encourage communities to use energy in an environmentally friendly way

  • bring communities together so that they can explore ways to promote energy efficiency

  • enable communities to understand and engage with opportunities for clean energy generation, which do not use fossil fuels.

All projects should consider how everyone in the community can get involved with climate action. They must also address any reasons why some people might be left out.

We’re looking for projects that will bring a range of benefits to communities, including:

  • improving health and well-being

  • creating local ’green’ jobs, such as jobs providing low-carbon heat for homes, community energy champions and energy advisors

  • reducing carbon emissions

  • supporting communities to be more resilient.

We want to fund projects that aim for long term change. And projects that have the potential to have a positive impact beyond the communities they're directly working with.

Who can apply

We’ll accept applications from either:

  • place-based partnerships

  • UK-wide partnerships

  • single voluntary or community organisations

  • This organisation must be either a:

  • constituted group or club

  • voluntary or community organisation

  • registered charity

  • charitable incorporated organisation (SCIO/CIO)

  • community interest company (CIC)

  • not-for-profit company limited by guarantee - you must be a registered charity or have a not-for-profit 'asset lock' clause in your articles of association

  • school, college, university (providing your project benefits and involves the wider local communities)

  • statutory body (including, town, parish and community council)

  • community benefit society.

We cannot accept applications from:

  • individuals

  • sole traders

  • organisations that can pay profits to directors, shareholders or members (including Companies Limited by Shares) - we cannot fund these organisations directly but they can support your project

  • organisations based outside the UK

  • one individual or organisation applying on behalf of another

  • organisations that do not have at least two people on their board or committee who are not married, in a long-term relationship, living together at the same address, or related by blood.

If you’re a school or an organisation working in a school

Your project needs to strengthen the community outside of the school too. It should benefit and involve more than just teachers, pupils or parents of pupils.

We will not fund school projects that:

  • improve school facilities or equipment that are not available for the wider community to use

  • help with staff training

  • are part of the school curriculum

  • involve activities the school should already be providing (like a project teaching literacy during school hours)

  • take place during teaching times (before and after school might be okay).

We cannot accept multiple applications from the same group or organisation.

If you’re not sure if you can apply

You can:

  • phone us on 03454 10 20 30 – lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

  • contact us by email at

  • check if a different fund is better suited to your project – for example, if your project is not focussed on climate change, you should read this information about other types of funding. If your project involves energy generation or storage there are opportunities from other funding sources

How to apply

You can apply online  by clicking the following link:


The Hargreaves Foundation


Wooden Spoon Fund