Let's keep the natural world unspoiled - sign up today for The Big Plastic Count

It was my first expedition to the vast, majestic continent of Antarctica. Imagine my excitement as I stepped off the boat, anticipating the many wonders of untouched natural beauty that lay in store. At least that’s what I thought.

It took less than ten steps onto the beach for me to see a plastic bottle and my heart sank in despair. Even here, at the ends of the earth, plastic has seeped into the natural world. It showed me that there really is no place left untouched by the gigantic plastic problem.

That’s why I’m writing to you today, to invite you to take part in The Big Plastic Count – the UK’s biggest ever investigation into household plastic waste. It kicks off next month and all you’ll have to do is count your plastic waste for one week, from 16 to 22 May. I’ll be joining in – will you?

It’s so easy to feel helpless, like I did, when we see the scale of the plastic crisis seeping into the natural world. Especially when it feels like there’s no solution in sight when big companies, brands and supermarkets keep on pumping it out. 

But The Big Plastic Count is a practical, simple and fun opportunity to do something about it. 80,000 people have already signed up, imagine if we could get that to 100,000 today? The evidence that we gather is going to be so massive, it will be hard to ignore.

2022 is a crucial year for action on plastic, as the government is going to be setting targets for reducing plastic waste. Their plans aren’t ambitious enough right now. So we have to make them understand the scale of the problem - and that’s where you, David, come in.

All over the country, people are signing up to the count, and showing they care about tackling the plastic problem. There’s not long to go now – are you with us?

Please sign up today and make The Big Plastic Count count. The bigger our count, the stronger our evidence, the louder our call for change will be. Add your name, join our growing community and get your free guide with everything you need for count week: 16-22 May 2022.

Please sign up at https://thebigplasticcount.com/sign-up/digital

With thanks and best wishes,

Chris Packham


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