Chair of Trustees

Would you like to be Chair of Vale for Africa?

The Chair, as well as helping to plan and chair trustee meetings, may be the link between trustees and volunteers, and represent the charity at appropriate events.

 N.B. The charity does not employ any staff and relies on trustees and other volunteers to carry out executive responsibilities.

If you are interested in this role, but would prefer to join a couple of meetings before committing to the role, you are very welcome to do so. The current co-chairs are happy to support you for 3-6 months, after which time they will remain Trustees. Likewise, we welcome interest from people who may wish to co-chair (as is the current interim arrangement at Vale for Africa).


  •  To act as a figurehead of the organisation and to set its strategic direction

  • To represent the organisation publicly and speak on its behalf

  • To take an overview of the organisation and its work

  • To ensure compliance with the governing document and policies

  • To authorise action to be taken between meetings of the full Trustee Board, and to ensure details of actions taken are reported for retrospective approval, if necessary

  • To ensure the effective working of the Trustee Board

  • To lead and manage Trustee Board and general meetings

  • With the secretary, to prepare the agenda for meetings and disseminate necessary advance information

  • To act as a channel of communication between the trustees and volunteers

  • To sign legal documents

  • To support and encourage other trustees and volunteers

  • To act as a signatory on cheques, applications for funds, etc.

 If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us using the form below.


Volunteer Grounds and Handy Person


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