Health, Wellbeing and Social Care
The Welsh Government and statutory partners, such as health boards and local authorities, recognise that the third (or voluntary) sector is a key partner in developing and delivering health and social care services.
The third sector is very diverse with approximately 3,000 organisations working across the Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff. They provide services for older people, children and young people, people with a learning disability, people experiencing mental health issues and in a whole range of other service areas.
We support the sector in a number of ways:
Promoting partnership working within the sector and across sectors
Promoting third sector organisations and services to statutory partners and vice versa
Representing the third sector at strategic planning and partnership groups
Engaging the sector in consultations and engagement about health and social services
Supporting the third sector in the Vale of Glamorgan to access GVS’ services and funding advice
Helping the third sector to overcome barriers to service delivery and partnership working
Acting as the lead organisation on development and delivery of services for older people across the Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff
Facilitating the Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff Carers Support and Information Network Group (CSING)
The GVS Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Network, which has a membership of over 400 representatives from all sectors, provides a mechanism for this to happen. Find out more about our Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Network.
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan University Health Board is one of the largest NHS organisations in the UK. We provide day to day health services to a population of around 472,400 people living in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan who need emergency and scheduled hospital treatment and mental health care, as well as delivering care in people's own homes and community clinics.
Find out more: https://cavuhb.nhs.wales/
The Board
The Cardiff and Vale Health Board is made up of Executive Directors who are employees of the University Health Board, and Independent Board Members (IMs) who were appointed to the UHB Board by the Minister for Health and Social Services via an open and competitive public appointments process. Together the Board, Executive Team and the locality management structure focus on the health needs of the population of Cardiff and Vale.
For more information on the board, including access to relevant papers, visit: https://cavuhb.nhs.wales/about-us/our-board/
Sara Moseley is the Independent Member (Third Sector) of the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. Find out more about Sara by clicking on the following link: https://cavuhb.nhs.wales/about-us/our-board/our-board-members/independent-members/sara-moseley/
If you would like to get in touch with Sara, please contact Lani Tucker on lani@gvs.wales.
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and the Third Sector
Find out more about how the health board works with the Third Sector: https://cavuhb.nhs.wales/about-us/publications1/voluntary-organisations/
The Carers’ Support & Information Network Group
The Carers’ Support & Information Network Group (CSING) is a multi-agency group which meets to share information and highlight issues about health and social care services for carers. The group involves staff from voluntary organisations, the Health Board and the Vale of Glamorgan Council. If you provide services for carers of any age in the Vale or Cardiff, you are welcome to join CSING.
If you would like to join CSING please contact us using the form below.
Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Community Health Council
What is the Community Health Council? Community Health Councils (CHCs) represent the independent voice of patients and the public who use health service in Wales. CHCs play an important role in influencing the way that health services are planned and delivered, to ensure the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes for the patients and public of Wales.
For more information about the community health council, visit their website.
Service Directories
GVS has brought together a range of information sources, directories, databases and briefings on third sector activity in the Vale of Glamorgan.
Health, Social Care, and Wellbeing Network
The Vale Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Network brings together third sector organisations (local, regional and national) operating in the Vale of Glamorgan who have an interest in health and social care.

Our latest health, wellbeing and social care news *
* English only