Directory of Services
GVS knows that it can be difficult to become familiar with the range of third sector services which operate in the Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff. Therefore, we have brought together a range of information sources, directories, databases and briefings which we hope will help you.
Directory of services for older people in the Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff
This directory, produced by GVS, contains information about services which can support older people and carers. It lists services in alphabetical order by type of service, eg advocacy, befriending, lunch clubs, shopping. Download your copy of the Directory of Services for Older People in the Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff.
Dewis Cymru
Dewis Cymru is a website that aims to help people with their well-being. It’s THE place to go for people who want information or advice about well-being – whether that’s their own well-being or the well-being of a family member or friend. http://www.dewis.wales
Cardiff and the Vale Parents’ Federation and ‘Where You Stand’ information guide
Cardiff and the Vale Parents’ Federation support parents, carers and relatives of disabled children and adults with a learning disability. They provide opportunities for members to meet together to discuss issues of interest or concerns and represent the viewpoints of parents on services for disabled people, their families and carers in a wide range of forums, planning groups and consultations. They produce an information guide, ‘Where You Stand’ which is available online on their website.
Family Information Service – directory of family support services
The Vale of Glamorgan Council Family Information Service has compiled a directory of family support services in the Vale of Glamorgan. This information is invaluable for families who have children age 0-20 years and professionals working with families. View the directory
NHS Direct Wales
NHS Direct Wales has an online Health, Wellbeing & Support Directory with details of local groups and national organisations who offer a range of health, well-being, and support services. http://www.nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk/localservices/searchlocalservices.aspx
Cardiff and Vale Action for Mental Health (CAVAMH)
Cavamh is an umbrella organisation working with voluntary sector groups with an interest in mental health, mental health service users and carers in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.
They provide and share information through their:
Website - our website includes news, events, and information as well as our directories.
Directories –
Mental Health Services Directory – a directory of services in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan
Directions – a guide to older people’s mental health services and caring
Newsletters - Involvement News; Network News and Sefyll News
Visit the website at http://www.cavamh.org.uk/about-cavamh
Health and Wellbeing home page
Visit our main Health and Wellbeing page for the Vale of Glamorgan.
Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Network
The Vale Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Network brings together third sector organisations (local, regional and national) operating in the Vale of Glamorgan who have an interest in health and social care.