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Cabinet Secretary response to latest NHS Wales performance data – February and March 2024
Response from Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Eluned Morgan
Carers Wales Volunteer Opportunity: Become a Workplace Champion
A Workplace Champion can be a vital link for working carers, signposting them to the support they need. Find out more by joining our online session on Thursday 23rd May at 12:30pm
Funding boost for Tŷ Hafan and Tŷ Gobaith from Welsh Government
It was announced last Friday (12 April) that Tŷ Hafan and Tŷ Gobaith, Wales’s two children’s hospices, are set to receive a combined funding boost of £770,000 from the Welsh Government.
‘Breathing Space’ Project in Wales - for unpaid carers supporting people living with MS
Are you an unpaid carer or do you support someone living with MS? Do you need time out? If so, would you like to benefit from a short break which can include anything from a weekend away , trips to the cinema, a meal out, an art class our some gym sessions?
Draft Wales Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy – 10-year Plan. Opportunity to respond to the Welsh Government Consultation
Cardiff Third Sector Council (C3SC), Glamorgan voluntary Services (GVS) and Cardiff & Vale Action for Mental Health (cavamh) are co-ordinating two meetings open to members of C3SC, GVS and the Cardiff and Vale Mental Health Forum to discuss and respond to the draft Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Vital funding to support Welsh hospices
Health Secretary Eluned Morgan has today announced Welsh hospices will receive £4m in government funding to continue their vital work.
Latest data on substance misuse in Wales published
There were a total of 869 school exclusions as a result of alcohol or drugs amongst school aged children in 2022-23. That’s an increase of 119 per cent from 2020-21 and up 16.5 per cent from 2018-19. This is the highest number of exclusions since 2011-12. These figures are highlighted in the Data Mining Wales report – an annual statistical report summarising substance misuse data for Wales. It aims to better explore the evidence of substance misuse over the life course, starting with prenatal, moving through childhood and incorporating youth and older adults.
Measles outbreak declared in Gwent as two new cases confirmed
Public Health Wales is working with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board to investigate two further cases of measles which have been confirmed in the Gwent area, bringing the overall total to four cases.
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board light it blue for Parkinson's awareness
The 11th April is recognised each year as World Parkinson’s Day. To support the occasion and Parkinson’s UK’s ‘Light it Blue’ campaign, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board are lighting the lake blue at the University Hospital of Wales.
BMA pay disputes – junior doctors, consultants and specialist doctors
The Welsh Government and BMA Wales’ three national committees representing consultants, SAS doctors and junior doctors have today agreed to formal negotiations about pay.
Health experts welcome downward trend in childhood dental extractions under general anaesthetic
Dental public health experts have welcomed findings showing a reduction in the number of reported child dental extractions under general anaesthetic over the last decade.
Interventions to address digital exclusion improves engagement, skills, and confidence, says new report
A review of existing evidence produced by Public Health Wales as part of the collaboration with the Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre shows that interventions to address digital exclusion in older adults can increase uptake and digital literacy while also improving people's own perception of their own abilities, and willingness to use technology.
Long-term thinking resource helps organisations protect the health of future generations
A new resource to help organisations use long-term thinking to reduce health inequalities is being launched by Public Health Wales in partnership with the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner. It provides tools and case studies which show how we can move on from just treating disease to promoting good health and preventing illness whenever we can.
Cardiff and Vale UHB wins national award for its apprenticeship work
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is delighted to have been awarded Macro Employer of the Year at the Apprenticeship Awards Cymru 2024.
Reminder to check your child's MMR status as new school term starts
As the new school term starts, parents and guardians are being reminded of the importance of their children having two doses of the MMR vaccination.
Huge Ramadan event sees women learn more about screening and vaccinations
Hundreds of women and children descended on the Cardiff City Stadium for a special Ramadan celebration that also gave guests vital public health information.
Celebrating National Supported Internship Day 2024
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is delighted to support National Supported Internship Day, a celebration of the huge impact a supported internship can have on both individuals and organisations alike.
COVID-19 Spring Booster programme 2024
The annual COVID-19 Spring Booster vaccination programme is now underway in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.
Digital improvements to prescribing at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board has reached a significant milestone in introducing a new clinical digital system for improving the prescribing and administering of medication across its sites.
Mum praises significant benefits of Flying Start programme for daughter
A mum who has benefited from the expansion of the Welsh Government’s Flying Start programme has praised the scheme for the “head start” it has given her youngest child.