Volunteers’ Week 1 - 7 June

Volunteers’ Week - the national Thank You to Volunteers has come to an end.

But it doesn’t have to stop there. it’s good to say thank you all year round too.

Have you felt inspired reading the stories from both volunteers and organisations?

Volunteers play an integral part, without volunteers, some organisations/groups just would not exist.

From a volunteers point of view, they can:
Build confidence, skills and gain really valuable work experience. Improve health & wellbeing. Enhance a CV. Meet new people and get a great reference. Utilise skills and gain new skills along the way.

From an organisation point of view:
(some of which are entirely run by volunteers) volunteers bring added value through their personal qualities, the skills which they use and the time they give; thus adding capacity to organisational activities.

Just to let you know, if you are interested in volunteering, there are lots of opportunities to get involved in. There are outdoor, home-based, community based or organisation based opportunities just waiting for you.
Most organisations will reimburse a travel expense to volunteers.
Organisation do not want all of your time, there are opportunities that ask for one hour, a few hours or one day a week.

Why not join the army of volunteers?
Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. Give a little time to volunteering

If you are interested, please complete the form below.


Nutrition for your Little Ones (NYLO)


Without the Commitment of our Volunteers...