Volunteer to Support Families

Here at Home-Start Cymru, we have seen a significant spike in the number of families reaching out for support and information over the past years.  We are looking for people who can spare even just an hour a week to help deliver our services to families.

Our charity provides support, friendship, and practical help to parents with young children when they need it most.

Our volunteers work alongside families to give compassionate and confidential support tailored to each family. Our volunteers are trained and given support and guidance from our highly skilled and experienced local co-ordinators in their area.  Becoming a Home-Start Cymru volunteer enables us to improve the lives of families by encouraging parents to develop the knowledge, skills, and resilience to enable their children to thrive.

 What we're looking for:

  • A parent, grandparent, carer, someone with parenting experience or students who would like a career working with families

  • Good communication skills, including an ability to listen and understand the need for support

  • A sensitive and caring attitude towards others with a non-judgemental attitude

  • Time and enthusiasm for Home-Start Cymru and support for our social media campaigns

  • Commitment to visit or call a family member each week at a mutually agreed time

  • A positive attitude to working with people of any gender, family status or sexual identity, or who are from any ethnic origin, culture, or religion, or who may have a disability  

Time commitment: As little as an hour per week.
Training:  Full training is provided.
Expenses reimbursed: Out of pocket expenses are reimbursed.
Selection procedure: Informal discussion, application form completion, 2 references and a disclosure and barring check (cost met by organisation).
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us using the form below.


Could you become a Community Woodland Volunteer?


Volunteer Driver Mate