Upcoming Co-reflection sessions for the peer workforce in Cardiff and Vale

Recovery Cymru is delighted to share information about three upcoming co-reflection sessions they are hosting for 'people who offer peer support to others' in Cardiff and Vale (substance use/co-occurring mental health).

Are you a peer who offers peer support in Cardiff and/or the Vale?

Are you a staff member or volunteer?

Do you have staff or volunteers in your service who could be involved?

Recovery Cymru and the Cardiff and Vale Recovery and Wellbeing College are trialling 3 co-reflection sessions for people offering peer support to others in Cardiff and/or the Vale.  If these are useful we hope to make them longer term.

The sessions will give an opportunity for peers to connect and:

·       Create a nurturing and trusting space to share experiences, challenges and share what we’ve learned

·       Raise awareness of peer support and celebrate successes

·       Crate a ‘bigger picture’ understanding of the different types of peer support being offered in Cardiff and the Vale

·       Focus on particular topics for shared learning and skills

We really hope you can join us, and please can you share this with people who might be interested in attending.

Click here for more information

If you have any questions, please get in touch. 

Email: rebeccacashman@recoverycymru.org.uk

Telephone: 07944 851050 / 029 2022 7019

Website: www.recoverycymru.org.uk

Here are Eventbrite links for each session:

March 20th - online event : https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/1255548040989?aff=oddtdtcreator

April 14th - in person : https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/1257998149329?aff=oddtdtcreator

May 15th - in person: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/1279151399269?aff=oddtdtcreator



14 March 2025 | National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Day


Ymunwch nawr a chymryd rhan yn Gwanwyn Glân Cymru 2025 – 21 Mawrth-6 Ebrill