The Morrisons Foundation

Our grant funding programme supports registered charities delivering projects which help to improve people’s lives in communities across England, Scotland and Wales.

We have set funding objectives, which are:

1. Tackling poverty and social deprivation;

2. Enhancing community spaces, facilities and services;

3. Improving health and wellbeing.

Charities applying should ensure their project meets at meets at least one of the funding objectives. Applications are accepted on a continual basis, there is no deadline to submit a request.

Who can apply

Grants may be applied for by any charity which has been registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (Charity Commission) and/or the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) for a minimum of one year. To be eligible for funding, a charity’s accounts must have been filed in accordance with the Charity Commission/OSCR requirements, must show as having been received on time and that have not been qualified.

Overall funding in any year is limited and as The Morrisons Foundation receives a very high volume of applications, we are unable to support all requests. We can only consider one application per charity at any one time. Charities who have been unsuccessful in the past cannot apply for the same project within a 12 month period.

The Morrisons Foundation reserves the right to limit and/or withdraw all or part of a charitable grant at any point. The Morrisons Foundation accepts no liability for any consequences, whether direct or indirect, that may come about from the project, the use of the grant or from withdrawal of the grant.

Charities that have previously received a grant donation can apply for further funding at any time after completing and submitting a post grant report. Any subsequent applications will be treated as new, and not viewed more or less favourably by virtue of a previously awarded grant for the same charity.


  • The Morrisons Foundation will not generally consider applications which are related to:

  • Organisations that are not registered with the Charity Commission or OSCR (companies with exempt charitable status or CICs are not eligible for support);

  • Salaries, staff costs (outside of those required to deliver the project), rent costs, utilities, administration costs or any other running costs;

  • Support of ongoing services;

  • Grants, bursaries etc. to individuals;

  • Expeditions, recreation or overseas travel;

  • Fundraising events or grants to ongoing appeals;

  • Work that is primarily the statutory responsibility of public agencies;

  • Promotion of religious or political messaging;

  • Part-funding or contributions towards projects;

  • Grants in excess of £10,000;

  • Advertising, sponsorship, promotion or marketing of events or services;

  • Conferences or seminars;

  • Charities that are recently registered with the Charity Commission / OSCR and have yet to file their accounts;

  • Charities whose accounts are overdue their filing date with the Charity Commission or OSCR;

  • Charities who have filed their accounts late to the Charity Commission or OSCR within the past three years;

  • Charities whose accounts have been qualified by the the Charity Commission or OSCR within the past three years;

  • Charities who have received a grant within the past 12 months;

  • Charities applying for the same project that was previously unsuccessful within the past 12 months;

  • Equipment which will be retained by individuals rather than the charity;

  • Charities whose primary purpose is the support of animal welfare;

  • Sports-based charities, unless the objective is to improve the lives of vulnerable or disadvantaged individuals;

  • Projects which could harm the reputation of The Morrisons Foundation

Eligible Expenditure

The Morrisons Foundation supports registered charities making a positive difference in local communities across England, Scotland, and Wales.

Grants are available for up to £10,000 for capital spend or direct project delivery.

The Morrisons Foundation prioritises applications from small charities, those with an income of less than £1m, but applications from larger charities are welcome.

Before submitting an application, please read our Grant Funding Policy in full. If you are still unsure whether your application is what we’re looking for, please get in touch.

How to apply

Apply via the website: 

Useful Links


The D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust


Aviva Community Fund