Gardening at GVS

Volunteer: GVS Gardening Volunteer Wendy Carrie
I started volunteering for the project as I was new to the area and thought it was a great way to meet people in my local community.  I have a large amount of experience working and creating a community garden in my previous employment.

I love being able to create alongside a staff team but being a volunteer is less formal and gives me the freedom to create and make my own decisions.

I get a huge amount of satisfaction and have lots of transferrable skills from my paid occupation.  It’s a great way of keeping your skills going.

Working with other likeminded volunteers is so different as you all want to be there and we all bring the same type of energy.

We work well as a group all knowing our limitations and using our different skills.  Creating a community area is a wonderful sense of achievement and it’s lovely to see people enjoy the space including my own family as I live within the community.

Volunteering is great for your well-being, self-esteem and confidence. If you are interested in volunteering please contact us using the form below.


Home-Start Cymru says Thank You


Amelia Trust Farm Celebrating Volunteering