Stand With Us Fund

The Stand With Us Fund was set up to address the critical lack of investment in frontline organisations supporting women and girls who experience male violence.

Originally started with money raised by Reclaim These Streets in the wake of the appalling kidnap, rape and murder of Sarah Everard by a serving Metropolitan Police Officer, the fund exists to make the UK safer for all women and girls.

The fund supports organisations to become stronger and more effective; better meeting the needs of women and girls and influencing wider change for all women and girls across the UK. Organisations can apply for up to £25,000 to fund areas related to organisational development, including strategy, governance, leadership, having a stronger voice within the women’s movement, building alliances, fundraising, impact, systems and processes.

This fund is for organisations that have an income of between £100,000 and £500,000 (from their last set of annual accounts). 

Who can apply

This fund is for women’s and girls’ organisations delivering frontline services addressing male violence against women and girls that have an income of between £100,000 and £500,000 (from their last set of annual accounts).

In order to apply, your organisation must meet all the following eligibility criteria:

  • Be a women’s and/or girls’ organisation. Rosa defines women’s and girls’ organisations as those which are run by, for and with women and girls. This means that your organisation will be governed and led by women. It will have a Board of Trustees (or similar) where the Chair is a woman, and the majority of members are women. The majority of your organisation’s employee leadership team will be women. Your organisation will have the principle objective of working with women and/or girls and the majority of your organisation’s beneficiaries are, and will always be, women and/or girls.

  • Be an organisation delivering a frontline service to women and/or girls who have been affected by male violence and abuse including (but not limited to) domestic violence, coercive control, rape, sexual abuse, forced marriage, ‘honour’ based violence, FGM, sexual harassment, economic and financial abuse.

  • Be a not-for-profit organisation

  • Have an income of between £100,000 and £500,000 from your last set of annual accounts (these are full year accounts which have been signed off by your board).

  • Have unrestricted reserves of no more than 12 months expenditure.

  • Have a written governing document, e.g. a constitution or set of rules.

  • Have a governing body with at least 3 unrelated members.

  • Have a UK-based bank or building society account in the name of the organisation, with at least 2 unrelated signatories.

  • Have an appropriate safeguarding policy in place (every organisation that delivers charitable activities has a duty to safeguard volunteers, staff members, participants and donors).

  • Deliver all their work in one or more of the four UK Nations: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

The Stand With Us fund will prioritise the following organisations:

Women’s and girls’ organisations which are:

  • operating in the top 10% of the most disadvantaged areas in the UK-based on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD);

  • based in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland;

  • led by and for Black and minoritised women and girls;

  • led by and for disabled women and girls;

  • led by and for LGBTQ+ women and girls;

In addition, organisations that have not previously been funded by the Stand With Us fund Round 1 (SWU 1) will be prioritised in the second round of the fund. 


We will not fund the following types of activities:

  • organisations that do not meet our eligibility criteria including our definition of a women’s and/or girls’ organisation

  • responsibilities of statutory agencies

  • profit-making work

  • party political activity

  • activities promoting religious beliefs

  • work outside the UK

  • applications from individuals

  • overseas travel

  • interest payments on loans

  • building purchase

  • costs that your organisation has already incurred (‘retrospective costs’)

How to apply

To apply, please complete our brief online application form by 5pm on Tuesday 30th July 2024. We are unable to accept late applications.

Rosa will be hosting ‘How to Apply’ webinars to help applicants develop their applications.

Please register using the links below:

11.00-12.00 Tuesday 23rd July 

Once you have read this guidance click and select ‘new applicant’ to start your application.

If you have applied previously to Rosa, please use your existing login details to log in and start a new application.

If you start your online application, but are unable to complete all the required information, don’t worry. You can simply save your form and come back to it later. To access your form again, use this link then log in using your email address and the password you created.

If you forget your password, you can create a new one by clicking on ‘Forgot Password?’ and following the instructions.

We encourage you to contact us if you have any queries about submitting an application. If you have any access requirements please let us know what support we can provide. The best way to contact us is to send an email to Please use ‘Stand With Us Fund’ as your email subject and provide your organisation name, contact name and contact number if you would like to speak to someone. We will do our very best to respond to your queries as soon as we can.

Useful Links 


Retirement of Ivor Davies as Chairman and dissolution of CAVRA


Meet the Funder: Lloyds Foundation