Road Safety Trust - Small Grants Programme

Up to £30,000 for projects that improve road safety at a local level.

The programme has been designed after reviewing our first four years of funding and listening to the views of stakeholders. This told us that there was a need for funding for smaller, local projects with a practical focus.

We are looking for measurable interventions that link to local priorities and show a proposed link to reducing casualties either directly or through clear interim measures.

Treating each project as a journey to making a tangible difference on the roads. This grants programme supports our strategic priority - Pilots that test.

The current Small Grants round is open until 4 May 2023.

Who can apply

Local Authorities, Police Forces, Fire and Rescue Services or UK-based registered charities, not-for-profit social enterprises or community interest companies can apply.

Eligible expenditure

We are committed to funding projects which support the objectives of the grant programme which are to:

  • Generate new knowledge about what works

  • Translate ideas into new measures 

  • Influence Road Safety Policy and Practice 

  • Support partnership working or collaboration

  •  Support partnership working or collaboration

How to apply

Applications will be assessed against how well they meet the following criteria:

  • The project is for a pilot, trial or evaluation of a practical road safety intervention

  • Has a clear objective/purpose and a clear expression of who it is aimed at and how it will improve road safety for public benefit

  • Supports local priorities for casualty reduction

  • Supports the objectives of our grant programme

  • Has a clear method, plan and timeline

  • Demonstrates knowledge of relevant practice (eg. has it been trialled elsewhere and what were the results?)

  • Demonstrates knowledge of relevant regulations and guidance as appropriate

  • Outlines sound management of the project and experience of the project team and partners

  • Encompasses partnership working and collaboration

  • Details financial aspects and budget including additional sources of funding

  • Covers ethical and privacy issues

For more information and to apply, visit:


Agile Cymru Funding


Racial Equity Fund