Agile Cymru Funding

The Welsh Government’s Programme for Government and International Strategy stress the importance of giving Wales the strongest possible presence on the World stage. Co-operation activity with other nations and regions adds value to economic development in Wales by enabling partners to scale up activity, achieve critical mass and increase profile. Joint working provides scope to exchange ideas and best practice, to extend innovation and competitiveness and to tackle key issues which transcend borders.

Agile Cymru is a scaleable programme of coordinated action, an agile tool to deliver greater economic co-operation at speed, guided by the International Strategy and our economic policies. This includes a flexible grant mechanism to support cross-border and international activity that maximises shared opportunities across themes, sectors, and geographies.

Activity supported

Agile Cymru funding can support a wide range of activity; the focus is on the outcome and benefit for Wales. Where appropriate please see the conditions of any specific call for applications.

In general, the scheme provides financial support (revenue) for ‘seeding’ or facilitating activity that builds cross-border and international partnerships and increases cooperation in areas that have the potential to lead to greater, more sustained economic activity of significance to Wales. It also recognises the cultural and social benefits of working across borders.

As an example, activity may include networking and engagement, the development of funding bids, feasibility studies, individual collaborations, pilot projects and supporting organisations to accelerate the implementation of their international strategies.

Activity not covered by a specific Agile Cymru funding call may still be suitable for support. Agile Cymru has a small ‘open funding pot’ which can support applications at any time. Applicants to the ‘open funding pot’ are strongly encouraged to raise their ideas with the Welsh Government’s Agile Cymru Team before submitting an application.

Grant levels and intervention rates

The level of grant and intervention rates available will vary. Where relevant please check the conditions of the specific call for applications. Factors such as the likelihood of success, potential return on investment and risk may be taken into account. 

In general, Agile Cymru provides small-scale financial support. There are no fixed grant thresholds, but based on experience the following is a guide:

  • For small projects, such as travel, engagement and consultancy, applicants should bear in mind that up to £5,000 per application may be considered reasonable.

  • For strategic projects, such as forming networks, feasibility studies and pilot projects involving significant staff-time and materials, applicants should bear in mind that up to £50,000 per application may be sufficient. The conditions of a specific call for applications may also define what is considered strategic and the expected level of grant. The ‘open funding pot’ may also be able to support strategic bids but is more likely to be limited by budget, get in touch with Welsh Government’s Agile Cymru Team at an early stage to discuss your proposal.

Up to 100% intervention rate may be available where justified but an application that leverages other funding and resources will be considered favourably. Where relevant please check the conditions of the specific call for applications.

NOTE: competition law may affect your ability to receive public funding (see section 11 below).

Who can apply for Agile Cymru support

Support is available to organisations operating in Wales that can advance the strategic aims of Agile Cymru as detailed in Sections 1 & 2 of this guidance.  Where appropriate, they will also need to contribute to the specific activities and objectives of any funding call.

Companies registered in other parts of the UK but active in Wales may be eligible on this basis, whereas companies registered in Wales but not active in Wales may be declined funding.

The support of costs of non-Welsh partners may be available if they are incurred and claimed by the Welsh partner. As with all costs, these must be reasonable, essential for the delivery of the proposed activity and aligned with relevant aims and objectives.

However, we advise contacting the Welsh Government’s Agile Cymru Team at an early stage in the development of your proposal to ensure compliance. Agile Cymru may also support a Joint Call for proposals with an international partner or point to a corresponding funding opportunity delivered in parallel. In these instances, please refer to the conditions of the specific call for applications.

How to apply for Agile Cymru support

If you have no previous experience of accessing Agile Cymru we encourage you to speak with us before applying to ensure your proposed project aligns with our objectives and all relevant information is included in your application. Contact the Welsh Government’s Agile Cymru Team at

Please also refer to any relevant Agile Cymru funding call document for specific details on how to apply and related deadlines.

The application form is available online.

We accept signed scanned pdf applications – please send them to

For more information, visit:



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