Make Blue badge Applications Lifelong for individuals who have a lifelong diagnosis

We need your help - We need Wales to come together to make this happen. STAND NW CIC together with our parent led 'Stand for Change' Group have a petition with The Senedd to make blue badge applications lifelong for individuals who have a lifelong diagnosis.

Not all disabilities are the same, some are life long, meaning they do not change over time.

Unfortunately, current guidelines require individuals with lifelong diagnoses, which include learning disabilities or profound and complex needs, to reapply for a blue badge every three years. This process can be very frustrating and time consuming for both individuals and their caregivers and focus heavily on the negative aspects of an individual’s abilities.

The Equality Act 2010, states, a disability is a physical or mental condition that has a substantial and long-term impact on a person's ability to do normal day-to-day activities, it states it allows for the better or more favourable treatment of people with impairments based on the evidence given, to provide equality of opportunity.

We believe that the process should be updated to better support those with disabilities by making life easier for those with lifelong conditions.

We are therefore proposing a change, we are calling for the Welsh Government to change their current process when applying for blue badges, to give what’s right and to support disabled people.

The change would be, that if a person applies for a blue badge due to a lifelong medical condition that is not expected to change, and their supporting health notes confirm this, then a blue badge should be granted for their lifetime.

We need your support to make this happen. Please look and sign if you agree,


Bathodyn glas gydol oes i unigolion sydd â diagnosis gydol oes

Rydym angen eich cymorth chi - Rydym angen i Gymru ddod at ei gilydd i wneud i hyn ddigwydd.

Mae gan STAND Gogledd Cymru CBC ynghyd â’n grŵp ‘STAND Dros Newid’, a arweinir gan rieni,

ddeiseb gyda’r Senedd i wneud ceisiadau am fathodyn glas gydol oes ar gyfer unigolion sydd hefo

diagnosis gydol oes.


Nid yw pob anabledd yr un fath, mae rhai yn para gydol oes, sy'n golygu nad ydynt yn newid dros amser.

Yn anffodus, mae’r canllawiau presennol yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i unigolion sydd â diagnosis gydol oes, sy'n cynnwys anableddau dysgu neu anghenion dwys a chymhleth, ailymgeisio am fathodyn glas bob tair blynedd. Gall y broses hon fod yn rhwystredig iawn, mae’n cymryd llawer o amser i unigolion a'u gofalwyr ei chwblhau ac mae’n canolbwyntio ar agweddau negyddol ar allu unigolyn.

Mae Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn diffinio anabledd fel nam corfforol neu feddyliol sy'n cael effaith niweidiol sylweddol a hirdymor ar allu unigolyn i ymgymryd â gweithgareddau o ddydd i ddydd. Mae’n nodi y caniateir i bobl ag anableddau gael eu trin yn fwy ffafriol ar sail y dystiolaeth a gyflwynir, i sicrhau cyfle cyfartal.

Credwn y dylid diweddaru'r broses i roi mwy o gymorth i’r rhai ag anableddau drwy wneud bywyd yn haws i'r rhai sydd â chyflyrau gydol oes.

Rydym, gan hynny, yn cynnig newid, ac yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i newid y broses bresennol o wneud cais am fathodyn glas, i roi'r hyn sy'n iawn i bobl anabl a’u cynorthwyo.

Byddai’r newid hwn yn caniatáu i bobl gael bathodyn glas sy’n para gydol oes os oes ganddynt gyflwr meddygol gydol oes nad oes disgwyl iddo wella, ac os yw eu nodiadau iechyd cysylltiedig yn cadarnhau hynny.

Rydym angen eich cefnogaeth i wneud i hyn ddigwydd. Edrychwch, ac arwyddwch os ydych yn cytuno:


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