Introduction to the Young Person’s Guarantee

In November 2021 Welsh Government unveiled a Young Person’s Guarantee – a commitment that everyone under the age of 25 would have the offer of support to gain a place in education or training, find a job or become self-employed.

The commitment was made in response to the pandemic and aims to lessen the effects of COVID and assist young people in pursuing their career goals.

Working Wales is the gateway into the Young Person’s Guarantee and the way in which young people will be able to access the available support. It will build on its already strong and successful model of delivering careers guidance and signposting services.

Find out more at


Cyflwyno’r Warant i Bobl Ifanc

Ym mis Tachwedd 2021, roedd Llywodraeth Cymru wedi datgelu Gwarant i Bobl Ifanc – ymrwymiad y byddai pawb dan 25 oed yng Nghymru yn cael cynnig cefnogaeth i gael lle mewn addysg neu hyfforddiant, dod o hyd i swydd neu ddod yn hunangyflogedig.

Cafodd yr ymrwymiad ei wneud mewn ymateb i’r pandemig, er mwyn lleihau effeithiau COVID a rhoi cymorth i bobl ifanc i ddilyn eu nodau gyrfa.

Cymru’n Gweithio yw’r porth i’r Warant i Bobl Ifanc a’r ffordd y bydd pobl ifanc yn gallu cael gafael ar y gefnogaeth sydd ar gael. Bydd yn adeiladu ar ei fodel cryf a llwyddiannus sydd eisoes ar waith o ddarparu cyfarwyddyd gyrfa a chymorth cyfeirio


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