Barry Amateur Radio Society (Sully Sports Radio Section) update

May has been a very active month for us. Both in training members & promoting BARS.

Firstly, we were invited to put on a radio station at Barry Island “War Museum” to commemorate VE day in Europe after WW2. At this event I taught children to send their name`s in Morse Code, also told them abought the S.O.E. in WW2 as our founder Dan Adams was an Officer in SOE & I have his WW2 spy radio which always causes great interest amongst the children as well as Dad.

Then we recorded a Morse statement from Marconi as sent from the League of Nations in 1922. It was broadcasted on BBC 4 on Thursday as part of the 100-year commemoration. (Loads of good feedback) A world first Real morse going out on the premier station BBC4 twice in a week.

Also, on May 14th Thanks to “Sully Board”, we had our “radio junk sale” in the Wilton lounge. Over 100 radio hams attended bacon butties very much enjoyed. Thanks to kitchen & bar staff.

In the afternoon B.A.R.S. did a large radio event down on the Cardiff Barrage to commemorate 125 years of Marconi`s first transmission across water from Lavernock to Flat Holm in 1897.

Cardiff Council & Harbour very impressed with B.A.R.S. professionalism in safely rigging antennas & performing live to the public. I did my morse again for the children, giving out 34 certificates & badges. The theme was “May the Morse be with you” with all that Morse chatter on the airways look who dropped in to report “May the Force be with You”.  

A busy month but enjoyable with lots of publicity for BARS

Kind regards Glyn BARS


The Limbless Association


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