9 tips for managing stress

Feeling stressed is a normal part of life and can help motivate us to achieve our goals. But if you’re finding stress hard to cope with, there are things you can do to help.  

Look after yourself  

Stress can make it harder to do things, but getting enough sleep, keeping physically active and eating a balanced diet can all make stress easier to manage. For more information on living well, click here


Exercise releases feel-good endorphins and reduces stress hormones which together help boost our mood. It might not make your stress completely disappear, but even a brief stroll could help you clear your mind, gain a sense of control and improve your mental wellbeing.  

Nurture yourself 

Don’t use smoking, drinking alcohol or caffeine as ways to cope with stress. Instead of reaching for a glass of wine or unhealthy comfort food, why not cook an easy yet delicious meal full of good-mood foods such as leafy greens, grains and protein? Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water too.  

Identify your triggers 

Work out what causes you to feel stressed. Even if you can’t avoid these situations, knowing what your triggers are can help you feel prepared and might make it easier to reach out for support.  

Tackle stress together 

Talking to a family member, friend or colleague can make a difference — even if you just need them to listen. If you prefer to speak to a stranger, you can contact a charity like @MindCharity or @theCALMzone. 

Find time to relax 

We’re busier than ever before and sometimes it might feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. But it’s important to make time to recharge and have some ‘me time’, whether that’s with an activity you enjoy or just five minutes of peace and quiet. 

Express yourself 

Being creative can help release negative emotions and there are lots of ways you can do this. Why not try painting, writing, playing a musical instrument or baking? Trying different things will help you discover what works and regain excitement about life. 

Spend time in nature  

Taking time to pay attention to birdsong and blossoming trees could lift your spirits and remind us how beautiful the world can be. You could also try taking care of indoor plants or spending time with animals.  

Try to be positive 

Write a list of positive things that you’re grateful for. Sometimes it can be easy to forget the positives in life and focus too much on the negative. 


If you need some more guidance on managing stress, SilverCloud’s free online guided self-help programmes are available across Wales.  

As well as offering programmes to support a range of conditions such as stress, anxiety and depression there are different programmes designed for parents looking to support a child, young people aged 16 to 18 and adults.  

For more information, click here


Stepiau is a service developed by the Primary Mental Health Support Service (PMHSS) for Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.  

The website includes lots of self-help resources as well as information on open-access groups and local access groups.  

If you need additional support on managing stress, Stepiau runs a 6-week Stress Control course. 

The Stress Control course has been designed to help people learn to control their stress better. Each week, you will learn new stress control tools. As the course goes on, you will learn how to out these together. At the end of the course, you will have a tool kit that you will be able to put into practice. 

For more information, click here


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