Good governance is vital in the success of any organisation. Our team are here to help.
We offer a range of governance related services, including:
Help with developing a governing document (e.g. constitution or set of rules)
We can help you develop an appropriate governing document for your organisation. Whether you are starting a small local group or a much larger organisation, our development team can help you decide which governing document is right for you, e.g. a simple unincorporated association, company limited by guarantee, charitable incorporated organisation. We will work with you until you decide which document is right for you.
Support for trustees and committee members
We can provide 1-2-1 support to trustees and also come along to your committee meetings to brief your trustees / committee members on a range of subjects. We can also help you with getting the right balance of skills on your committee. We can also, at your invitation, provide a “health check” of your organisation. This may involve looking at your governing document, policies and procedures and any training needs of your committee members.
Help with developing policies and procedures
If your group is looking to develop and adopt policies and procedures (e.g. equality, safeguarding, volunteering), we can support you every step of the way. We will work with you to ensure you have the right policies in place so that your organisation can work legally and efficiently. Having the correct policies and procedures in place will put you in a stronger position when applying for funding.
Information on the legislation affecting voluntary organisations
GVS has provide information on all the legislation that affects voluntary organisations. In addition, for more complex enquiries, we have access to Wales Council for Voluntary Action’s Legal Services Officer - and this service is free to GVS members!
Help with setting up a new group
Are thinking of setting up a new group? If so, make sure you contact us first. We can help and support you to get things moving – to help you put your ideas into action.
Support with registering as a charity
Registering your organisation with the Charity Commission can, on the face of it, appear to be daunting. We can support you through the whole process to help make the process as seamless and as easy as possible.
Information Sheets
GVS has worked with Third Sector Support Services Wales (TSSW) to produce a comprehensive set of resources to help groups and charities govern their organisations.
Governance Primer
Download a copy of our governance primer, which gives an overview of the steps involved in setting up a new group or organisation.
Download (pdf)

Our latest governance news *
* English only