Welsh Government recruitment to the Citizen Voice Board
The Welsh Government has let us know that they are now seeking applications from people who are interested in becoming the Chair or a Board member of the new Citizen Voice Body for Health and Social Care (CVB). You can see further details via the following link Citizen Voice Body for Health and Social Care Appointment of Chair, Deputy Chair and Six Non-Executive Members - Welsh Government (tal.net)
We understand that the Welsh Government will be running some awareness sessions during January so that anyone who is interested in applying can find out more information and ask any questions about the roles. We will provide further details of these awareness sessions as soon as we can.
Moving forward with these important appointments now will enable the Welsh Government to establish the new CVB Board as early as possible in 2022-2023. This will help make sure it can plan and take the key decisions it needs to so that the CVB can carry out its responsibilities effectively from 1 April 2023.