Wales Carers Summit: Next Steps webinar 10th June

Carers Wales would like to invite you to our forthcoming event taking place during Carers Week. The Wales Carers Summit: Next Steps webinar will take place on Friday 10th June, from 10.30am to 12noon. The agenda is below.  To see our latest Carers Summit Report please click the link.

10.30 – Welcome and recap from Summit in February

10.40 - Overview of the following Summit Focus Groups: actions that have been taken so far and next steps:

  • Hospital Discharge

  • Direct Payments

  • Local Government

  • Complaints

11.30 – Feedback from the expert panel members

11.55 - Wrap up and how to get involved

12.00 - End

 Please see more information and book your place, using this link:


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