Volunteers’ Week – Celebrating 40 years

This year, Volunteers’ Week running 3rd – 9th of June is celebrating 40 years of volunteers’ week

It is a time for organisations and groups to say “Thank you” and to recognise the difference made by their volunteers.

Volunteers are the lifeblood of so many charities/groups, some of whom are totally volunteer led.

During the week, hundreds of events and celebrations take place across the country, saying thank you to volunteers and recognising their invaluable contribution to the UK.

Local charities will host a variety of activities to celebrate the power of volunteering to bring communities together.  For many, the week will also be a chance to showcase the wide range of volunteering opportunities on offer and to encourage more people to try volunteering for the first time.

Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS) provides a wealth of support to community groups and people who would like to volunteer.  They will be celebrating throughout Volunteers’ Week with a host of events and will encourage other organisations working in the Vale of Glamorgan to celebrate their volunteers with their own events.

The Operations Manager for GVS, Paul Warren, says, “Thank you to the thousands of volunteers that have given their time over the last twelve months to causes they care about and in response to the difficult situations that people find themselves faced with.  Every year, there is a special week earmarked to thank volunteers for all that they bring to their local communities, and this year we aim to celebrate Volunteers’ Week more than ever”.

Volunteering Events in the Vale of Glamorgan

Wednesday 5th June

Mini Volunteer Fayre - 11 organisations attending
Barry Library
10- 1pm
A chance for the public to pop in and have a chat to the stall holders about volunteering. GVS will also be there to provide information on the hundreds of volunteering opportunities across the Vale of Glamorgan.

Llantwit Major
Thursday 6th June -
5 organisations attending
Mini Volunteer Fayre
12:30 – 2:30pm
A chance for the public to pop in and have a chat to the stall holders about volunteering. GVS will also be there to provide information on the hundreds of volunteering opportunities across the Vale of Glamorgan.

Promoting Volunteering
Friday 7th June
Asda Foyer
10 – 2pm
A chance for the public to find out what they can get involved in. Come and have a chat to GVS staff about your volunteering interests. Hundreds of opportunities available across the Vale of Glamorgan.

Volunteers’ Week plays a huge part in raising the profile of volunteers as well as inspiring others to get involved.

Volunteering brings enormous benefits for you

Build your confidence, skills and gain valuable work experience.  Meet new people. Improve your health & wellbeing.  Enhance your CV.  Gain a reference.  Have a taster for a career change.  You can use your existing skills and gain new skills along the way. Have fun


Visit our Mini Volunteering Fayre at Barry Library


I suffered a devastating brain injury - volunteering played a huge part in my recovery