Towards a Social Prescribing Evaluation Framework - Slides and Next Steps

The introductory event of the Towards a Social Prescribing Evaluation Framework was on Thursday 26th May and the slides from the meeting are here

Next stage of development

If you and your team/organisation are interested in taking part in the evaluation framework, please contact Lisa Griffiths to arrange a meeting with the team from the Welsh School for Social Prescribing Research who are undertaking this work. This would be to understand the work you do and what being part of the framework would entail. 

 About the Evaluation Framework

The Welsh School for Social Prescribing Research will be working on developing an evaluation framework for social prescribing at the request of the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board (RPB). Based at the University of South Wales, the Welsh School for Social Prescribing Research (WSSPR) is a leader in research into social prescribing and works to develop evaluation methodology for this field to identify best practice and opportunity identification. WSSPR also advise Welsh Government on policy surrounding social prescribing across Wales. 

The RPB’s intention for the evaluation framework is that it will allow local social prescribing providers to measure and demonstrate how their services function and deliver outcomes for those who use them. The framework will draw upon service data, feedback from those people supported by projects, and allow staff and volunteers to reflect together on progress made over time. The framework will enable services to understand what works and what really matters, which will lead to a much richer picture of social prescribing in the Cardiff and Vale area with a view to promoting active dialogue and discussion as well as driving adaptation and adoption of best practice amongst a broader connected, collaborative and engaged practitioner community.  

Whilst social prescribing is a widely used term, we recognise that it is not used by all who provide this type of provision and that they, indeed, may not even associate their activity with the term. The RPB view the evaluation framework as being focused on what can functionally be described as social prescribing, in its broadest terms.  

This is an exciting opportunity to take part in the continuing development and expansion of this important field which has so much to offer across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan and to Wales as a whole by building off the excellence and experience that is already established in the region, creating networks, sharing knowledge, stimulating dialogue and helping to maximise overall benefits realisation for our population.  



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