The Pilgrim Trust
Our aim is to preserve and promote Britain’s historical and intellectual assets and to provide assistance to vulnerable members of society. Grant-making across the UK to improve life chances for the vulnerable and preserve the best of our past.
Maximum value:
Preservation and conservation grants
We support the preservation, conservation and repair of significant historic buildings, structures and architectural features. We also support the conservation of works of art, objects, records and collections. We work with a number of strategic partners across preservation and conservation to increase the reach and impact of our funding.
Historic buildings and structures
We help fund the preservation and repair of historic buildings, structures and architectural features. We give special consideration to those helping find sustainable solutions for the conservation and re-use of historic buildings – especially those at risk and of outstanding importance.
Places of worship
We support the preventative maintenance and repair of historic places of worship and the conservation of their historic interiors and churchyard structures across the UK. Places of worship are a vital and much-loved part of the UK’s heritage as well as often being important centres of the local community. Many of these buildings, interiors and structures can be challenging to maintain. Regular maintenance can reduce the need for major capital repairs and save more of the original historic fabric. This work is primarily achieved through our partnership with the National Churches Trust and the Church Buildings Council (part of the Church of England). You should only apply to us direct if you are not eligible for their grant programmes.
Christian denominations: if your building is open for regular worship and part of a Christian denomination, visit National Churches Trust grant website to check your eligibility. Other denominations: follow the application process under ‘How to Apply’.
Young Women's Mental Health
Grants to improve the mental health of women aged 16-25 by increasing their access to high quality, age and gender specific mental health services.
Research/Advocacy & Development
Their research, advocacy & development work encourages systemic change.
Who can apply
UK registered charities
Organisations with exempt charitable status
Recognised public bodies
Projects must:
Be UK based
Not be restrospective
We work with the National Churches Trust (NCT) to support the repair and maintenance of historic churches, chapels and meeting houses used by Christian denominations. We offer direct grants to other denominations not covered by the NCT grant programmes.
We don’t fund:
Re-ordering or projects to develop new facilities
Fabric repairs in cathedrals
Eligible Expenditure
The Pilgrim Trust will consider applications for:
Revenue costs such as staff salaries and overheads
Project costs
The costs of initial exploratory work for organisations seeking to rescue important buildings, monuments etc
Capital costs where the total capital cost is less than £5 million
For more information, and to apply, visit: