The Allen Lane Foundation
The Allen Lane Foundation funds small registered charities, voluntary groups, and charitable organisations. Our focus is on funding ‘unpopular causes’ and we currently make grants towards seven specific beneficiary groups.
Our aims are to fund work which:
will make a lasting difference to people’s lives rather than simply alleviating the symptoms or current problems;
is aimed at reducing isolation, stigma and discrimination, and;
encourages or enables unpopular groups to share in the life of the whole community.
The foundation funds specific beneficiary groups - currently these are:
Asylum seekers and refugees
Gypsies and Travellers
Migrant communities
Offenders and ex-offenders
Older people
People experiencing mental health problems
People experiencing violence or abuse
While recognising (and being willing to support) on-going, tried and tested projects, we are also particularly interested in unusual, imaginative or pioneering projects which have perhaps not yet caught the public imagination.
We aim to help organisations to become sustainable, supporting running and core costs to enable them to have flexibility, security and longevity.
We focus on work with adults (not children or young people).
Who can apply
We fund organisations which are registered charities, and also other organisations which are not charities but which seek funding for a charitable project. (Such as constituted voluntary groups or Community Interest Companies for example.)
To make sure our grants have an impact, we only fund smaller organisations with up to £15,000. If you work across a local area such as a village, estate or town, to be eligible you will need to have an income of less than around £100,000. At the other end of the spectrum, if you work across the whole of the UK you will need to have an income of less than around £250,000.
For more information, and to apply, please visit: