Talk to us about Volunteering

If you are interested in volunteering but don’t know where to start, come along and have a chat.

Where: Within the foyer at ASDA supermarket, Barry
When: Friday 7th June
Time: 10 - 2pm

GVS staff can answer your questions and provide information on the range of volunteering opportunities available across the Vale of Glamorgan.

There is indoor, outdoor, and homebased volunteering available.

A few things you may not know.

  • Most organisations will reimburse travel expenses

  • Organisations don’t want all of your time, depending upon the opportunity role, it can range from one hour, a few hours or one day a week

  • There is opportunity available for regular weekly volunteering or ad hoc volunteering

  • If you are on benefits, you can still volunteer

You don’t have to sign up to anything.

You can just have a chat and take away some information.

We look forward to seeing you.


Cymru Versus Arthritis Information Session: Gadgets & Adaptations


Find out more about Volunteering