SPARK – join our online Life Story Group

Re-Live are looking for 8 new participants (aged 55+) to join Spark, an online Life Story Group to reduce isolation and loneliness and improve wellbeing.

 Spark group starts on Tuesday 31 May, 11am-12.30pm on Zoom

10 weekly Life Story sessions on Zoom from 31 May – 2 August 2022

  • Free for anyone to join aged 55+

  • Fantastic opportunity for clients to meet new people and share stories

  • Reduces isolation and loneliness

  • Builds confidence and agency

Excellent feedback from previous Spark participants, Community Connectors and Support Workers

“When the group first started my client had very low moods and had nothing to be interested in. However, being a part Spark has really expanded her horizons. It has been lovely to see my client come out of her shell and take part” Community Support Worker

 If you work with someone who might benefit from Spark, please contact:

 Spark Coordinator: Karen Wynne: 07979 547304/

 This project has been made possible by support from the Health, Arts, Research, People (HARP) programme, funded by the Arts Council of Wales and Y Lab (Cardiff University & Nesta).


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