Sea-Changers Coastal Fountain Fund 2025
Funding communities to purchase water bottle refill fountains and install them in coastal areas to reduce the impact of single-use plastic water bottles on coastal habitats.
The purpose of the fund is to reduce the impact of single-use plastic water bottles on coastal habitats by funding communities to purchase water fountains and install them for use by the public in busy or environmentally important areas on or close to the coast.
Maximum value:
Who can apply
We welcome applications from a range of organisations including charities and Not-for-Profits, Local Authorities, parish councils and schools. We expect to be providing partial funding for water fountain installation projects where other funds are also being sought or are already in place.
We particularly welcome applications from Wales as it has been under-represented in previous years.
Eligible Expenditure
Bids must be for funding of a water bottle refill fountain at or near (within 500m) a UK beach, marina or other coastal location.
Our funding will only cover the cost of purchasing the water fountain unit up to £2500 and does not cover installation or maintenance costs.
The fund will only cover the purchase of one fountain per successful applicant.
How to apply
Visit the fund webpage for more information: