Ripple Effects Review of Behavioural Science Support

A new Public Health Wales commissioned report has used Realist Ripple Effects Mapping to explore recent behavioural science support across the public health system.

Realist Ripple Effects Mapping is a method used to track how an activity creates direct and indirect impacts over time. It combines visual mapping with evaluation to understand what works, for whom, in what context, and why.

The Behavioural Science worked with experts in the field to review progress and engage stakeholders to assess the ripple effects of recent activity.  The report highlights key themes to progress including relationship-building, capability development and the practical application of behavioural science in policy and practice.

As a crucial approach to improving health outcomes and reducing inequalities, behavioural science can help optimise policy, services and communications to support delivery of the Public Health Wales Long Term Strategy. This ripple effects review report provides key recommendations to drive its continued impact.

Read the full report here: 
Public Health Wales Behavioural Science Unit's impact across the public health system:



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