Qualia Law Community Interest Company
We are a non-profit social enterprise that provides free legal advice and support for neurodiverse people, such as those living with dementia, brain injury or learning disability. We also provide free advice to their families, carers and wider support networks. If you are concerned about how you or someone in your care can manage money in light of a diagnosis of dementia or other impairment then contact us for free, independent advice.
Free Legal Advice Free
Impartial and no-obligation advice about: Lasting Power of Attorney, Mental Capacity and Financial Safeguarding.
Court of Protection
Solicitor Deputies to manage property or finances on behalf people living with dementia, brain injury or learning disability.
Financial Safeguarding
Free, impartial and no obligation advice about the range of options available for vulnerable or neurodiverse people.
Phone: 07961 507940 Web: www.Qualia-Law.org Email: info@qualia-law.org