Learning Disability Wales Coronavirus Study Part 2

First part of study results and thank you!

First a really big thank you for everyone who took part and helped us find people to take part in the first phase of our study to find out what it is like for people with a learning during the coronavirus pandemic. 

  • 149 people with a learning disability were interviewed across Wales.

  • 90 family carers or paid support staff did an online survey on people’s behalf.

Read the summary UK findings in an article here or full report here. Welsh specific findings will be published soon. We will be holding an online event in May to share what we have found out so far.
Please join us for the second part

All people who took part so far will be interviewed again. Researchers want to find more people to take part, particularly people who were under-represented in the first part of the study.
Interviews will ask: 

  • about people’s health and the services they receive.

  • how people keep in touch and what works well for them.

  • vaccinations and if people have been tested for coronavirus.

  • what has been bad or good about lockdown.

  • what people want in their life after coronavirus.

 There are 2 ways to get involved:

 1. Interviews with people with a learning disability.

Interviews will last for 30 minutes. Anyone can take part but we are particularly wanting to find out from people:

  • living in supported living. They can be supported by someone to take part. It can be done over the phone or using zoom.

  • aged over 50 years old.

  • from Black, Asian or minority ethnic communities.

2. If someone can’t be interviewed we would like paid staff or a family carer to fill out an online survey on someone’s behalf.

Filling out the survey will take 15 minutes. Of course not everyone with a learning disability can or wants to take part in an interview. Their experiences and voices are important too. A paid member of staff or family carer can take the survey on behalf of a person with a learning disability they know well. A link to an online survey can be sent to you. The survey is about an individual with learning disabilities but there are a few questions directly about the experiences of paid support workers or family carers. Click the link below to register your interest



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