Jo Morgan inducted into the Knights of St John for her role as a volunteer with St John Ambulance

Congratulations to Jo Morgan; a much loved School Nurses based with the team in the Vale, on her recent outstanding achievement on being inducted into the Knights of St John for her role as a volunteer with St John Ambulance. 

Entry to the order is by exclusive invitation only and subject to the sanction of His Majesty King Charles III ‘in recognition of exceptional achievements towards its mission, values and commitment to future involvement’. 

Joanne (pictured) joins a prestigious few of only 20,000 members worldwide; most of which have since gone on to become honoured by the Sovereign Head of Service for carrying out further commitments of the order. 

Once indoctrinated as a Member, there are 4 further opportunities (grades) for promotion, Officer, Commander, Knights and Dames, Bailiff and Dame Grand Cross. 

Speaking about her experience with St John Ambulance, Joanne said: 

“I joined St John in 2017 as I wanted to meet new people and for the social aspect, but more importantly to give back to the community and share the skills I have learned throughout my nursing career and to learn from others”. 

Upon hearing the news of her award Joanne said: 

“I feel very proud and happy that I have been recognised for my efforts to give back to the local community”. 

Congratulations Joanne on this huge milestone! 

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